Salute To The General

Chapter 1744
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Chapter 1744

"Someone is here to pick on us!

"Hurry up and get in touch with Thomas!

A few of the restaurant's staff catapulted in the direction of Thomas’ office and told him about the incident that had occurredMinutes after the staff's departure, Thomas returned to the scene with a bunch of men behind him.

Staring at the fierce-locking Germund and Helge, Thomas asked in a callous tone, "May I know who the hell are you guys? Are you here to make ascene?”

Germund held on to his steel walking stick and dead-panned his reply, "We're here for Mrs. Cross, Penny Smith. This has nothing to do with you. Canyou please get out of our sights at once?”

Meanwhile, Helge narrowed his eyes to a slit and scoffed, “No! This has something to do with him because he used to be Nathan's subordinate.Currently, he's the watchdog of Nathan! Mr.

Goldstein said he merely wants Penny and Kylie to be taken into custody alive. I guess we're free to kill the fools who try to get in our way!”"Oh! You're right! His name is on the list as well” Germund nodded and expressed his excitement.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Thomas and his subordinates’ expression darkened when they heard the duo's conversation. In fact, Penny and the ladies, who were nearby, thoughtthey were hearing things.

As the King of the Underworld of Channing, Thomas had always been a well-respected figure amongst those from the underworld and theupper echelon.

He couldn't believe the disabled duo in front of them had the guts to make such an arrogant remark, indicating their will to take Penny into custodyand killing them along the way.

Few seconds after the confrontation, Thomas got infuriated and instructed his men, “Take these crippled duo out for me at once!“Yes!”

The twenty men Thomas had brought along with him pounced in the direction of Germund and Helge upon receiving their orders.“I'll send you to hell if that's what you want!” Helge remarked sarcastically.

Cn the other hand, Germund marched forward and swayed his steel walking stick in front of

Thomas' men once the moment reached his side.

It was a powerful sway that sent at least five of them flying the moment his walking stick reached them.

Immediately after he initiated the attack, he launched the second move, maneuvering his way around Thomas" men with the walking stick, takingthem out while making his way through the crowd.

Consequently, Thomas's men were sent flying after being beaten to a pulp by Germund's powerful move.

The onlookers gasped in shock.

Thomas was completely dumbfounded because his men were taken out easily, laying in a puddle of blood after a few seconds.

While Thomas lost himself in a train of thoughts, Helge sprinted over in an attempt to ambush him.

Helge was swift—he was about to reach Thomas’ face with his mechanical arm.

Due to the delayed response, Thomas knew he couldn't evade the powerful punch as the mechanical arm closed in right in front of him.When the punch was about to land on his face, delivering a fatal blow, his heart sank, thinking he would soon be dead.

However, in the nick of time, Nathan made a move and cast the cup of tea on the table in the direction of Helge.

The cup of tea whizzed through the air, launching in the direction of Helge's head as though a bullet had been fired to take him out.

Helge had ho choice but to ignore -Thomas for the time being. Heswitched from being offensive dd’defensive, crushing the cup of teathat was about to reach hi.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org


As soon as the cup was shattered into pieces, Helge and Germund had their eyes on Nathan

Helge broke the silence, stating indifferently, “I guess we have another veteran combatant with us today, huh?”Germund ruled out the possibility and announced, "I think he's the one who has injured Faustus and his party.”

"If that's the case, let's take him out and put him on the express train to hell!”

Ava got worked up and yelled atNathan, "Bay: think they are thefearsome dio, Germund and Helge!They are'capable duos who had ~killed countless veterans over theyears We Il each take one of themonfWhat do you think?” Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ?

The onlookers turned around and glanced at Nathan.Suddenly, Nathan denoted, “No!”When Ava heard Nathan's reply, she queried with a frowned look, "Do you think you're not a match for them? If that's the case, let's forget about it!

I'll deal with the vicious duo myself!”

Nathan asserted with an arrogantgrin, “I believe-you havemisunderstood my words, Ma'am. ~Your hel@won't be necessary sincewe're Ajerely going against twosenifeold fools. You don't nave 10take any one of them on because Icah deal with them in onggo!”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The onlookers stared at Nathan open-mouthed when they heard his reply.

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