Salute To The General

Chapter 1740
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Chapter 1740

Nathan had made his way back to his family’s side while disguising his look because he wanted to keep his family safe

He glanced at Faustus and the vicious-looking bunch, asking indifferently, "Are you going to abduct an innocent little girl and a helpless woman underbroad daylight? Do you think you're able to get away unscathed?”

Faustus and his subordinates exchanged glances upon hearing Nathan's warning. Eventually, they burst into laughter because they found Nathan'swarning hilarious.

He repeated Nathan's words with a scornful look, "Hey. do you have any idea of our actual identity? We're affiliated with the Goldstein family fromBrimmopolis! Do you think you can get in our way?”

After pausing for a few seconds, he added,

Even if the Chief of Police is here, he has to be courteous and follow our instructions, let alone the mayor of Channing! We're the mandated ones!You better stay out of this unless you have a death wish! If you insist on poking your nose into our business, we'll have to take you out!

Nathan's lips curved upward, forming a scowl as he begged to differ. "I'm sorry, but I will never allow any one of you to get away with this!”Where the hell does this brat comes from?

Faustus was shocked by the presence of the arrogant yet ordinary-looking man in front of him. A murderous glint could be seen in his eyes as hedead-panned his instructions, "Let's take him out before dealing with the girls!

“Yes!”Two of Fautus’ many subordinates sprinted over in Nathan's direction.Bam! Bam!

As soon as they reached Nathan, the seemingly defenseless man launched two consecutive kicks on their chests, swiftly sending them away.Consequently, they knocked onto the multipurpose vehicle and fell to the ground, puking mouthfuls of blood.

Faustus' face puckered in shock because he felt endangered by Nathan's presence.

Meanwhile, Queenie and Kylie couldn't help but feel awestruck by the capability of the powerful man, who was capable of defeating the viciousbunch.

After Faustus snapped out of shock, he reached for the miniature blade he had with him and

summoned his subordinates. “Let's go, boys! We'll take him out together!”

Immediately after he finished yelling to boost his gang's morale, he dashed in the direction of Nathan, with his blade aiming for Nathan's chest.Nathan reached over and grasped Fautus' wrist before slapping him with his other hand.

Faustus' eyes widened as he noticed the silhouette of Nathan's palm closing in.


A thunderous sound could be heard as Faustus was slapped by Nathan in the face.

They thought they had been hearingthings due to the thunderous voiceproduced by the powerful slap.t’sounded as though a gigantic freehad been struck by lightning.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

As a result of Nathan's powerful slap, Faustus was beaten to a pulp with his cheek smudged by his own blood that was gushing out of the wound.

He was sent flying diagonally while a few broken teeth spout of his mouth. The very moment he crashed against the ground, he passed out and lostconsciousness.

As the rest of Faustus' party went after Nathan relentlessly, they ended up in a similar outcome and lay in a puddle of blood at the end of the fight.Kylie, Queenie, and the onlookers stared at Nathan with open mouths because they were shocked by the extraordinary feat.

Thunderous applause erupted amongst the crowd because they were impressed by the ordinary-looking man's righteous character and top-notchcombat skills.

After Kylie feturned to her senses,she expressed her gratitudesincerely; “Mister, thank you somuch:for saving us! I couldn't -imagine how things would tum out ifyott hadn't stopped them in’ time!”Content belongs to NovelDrama.OrgContents belong to NovelDrama.Org


Queenie had her eyes glued to the man in front of them. She queried, “Uncle, you're as capable as my Papa! Are you an army like my Papa?"

Staring at his beloved daughter in the eyes, his pair of abysmal eyes gleamed intimately.

He replied with a smile, "E-Er... i.Actually, ¥m a soldier affiliated withthe North Army. I'm here on your”father s instruction to protectyou,your mother, and your aun nt’ Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

“Really? Is there anything Papa wishes to tell

“The General wants you to behave yourself and finish your homework before you get to watch the television. Oh! He wants you to focus on your studyas well."

"Ha! You're indeed sent by Papa!” Queenie heaved a long sigh and replied petulantly when she heard Nathan's reply."Sir, are you serious? Have Nathan sent you to protect us? What's your name?” the cautious Kylie asked, interrupting the duo's conversation.

Nathan introduced himself, “My name is Bay. I'm a soldier affiliated with the North Army. The General has dispatched me to Channing to look after hisfamily.

Bay was an alias he thought of out of the blue to conceal his actual identity.

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