Salute To The General

Chapter 1718
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Chapter 1718

Upon the cold stares of Nathan, Camilla, and Will, Lawrence's forehead became sweaty. He felt unprecedented pressure on him.

However, he steeled himself and blurted, "Kylie and Penny are not even dead; this could only be considered assault. He should at most be chargedfor attempted murder. You can't say that his mistakes are unforgivable, can you?"novelbin

Camilla could tell that Lawrence was speaking on behalf of Clifford in fighting for a lighter punishment for Kiel.Frowning, she was about to object when Nathan gave her a look and stopped her from speakingNathan felt that it was a grudge between him and the Davier family, hence he did not want her to get involved.

Also, Mr. Windsor was about to retire. Nathan did not want Camilla to have any conflicts with Clifford at this juncture lest Clifford should hold a grudgeand seek revenge against her after Mr. Windsor's retirement.

He had made up his mind to seek justice for his wife by himself.

Looking at Lawrence, Nathan asked, "So, how do you think this person should be punished?”

Lawrence leaned forward slightly and explained, “I need to ask Mr. Kiel some questions before jumping to any conclusion.”Nathan gave a half-smile. “Go ahead.”

Lawrence turned around and asked Kiel solemnly, “Mr. Kiel, may I ask if you ordered

Eugene to attack the General?”

Kiel widened his eyes as he was about to curse.

Seated in a chair, Clifford added expressionlessly. “Speak the truth.”

Kiel had no choice but to answer unwillingly. “I did not order Eugene. It had nothing to do with me. I'm innocent.”

Lawrence nodded. “I heard that Eugene is called the God of Warrior. He has fought all around the nation and even travelled around Xyperia tochallenge the fighters there. All this while, he has never lost a single fight. It seems like he came to battle the General in order to gauge the truestrength of the North. It has nothing to do with Mr. Kiel.”

Nathan snickered.

Lawrence asked Kiel again. “You have nothing to do with Eugene. But you can’t deny your crimefor assaulting Penny and Kylie, can you?”

Kiel did not answer immediately: he stole a glance at Clifford.

Clifford. sipping his tea, did not give any response.

Lawrence raised his voice a little. “Mr. Kiel, please answer my question.”

‘lL admit that I harassed and assaulted them.”

Lawrence nodded. “Things are easier now that you've pleaded guilty.

With that, he turned towards Nathan,Camilla, andelifford “Commanders,now we know that Mr. Kielhas = =>assaultett the women. In _accordance with the law, he shouldbe séntenced to three years inprison. Content belongs tosNovelDrama.Org wa

“Do all of you agree?”

Three years?

Kiel was thunderstruck and unsatisfied.

Meanwhile, Camilla and Will felt that the punishment was too light

However, everyone knew that Nathan had the final say in the decision.

At that moment, everyone looked to Nathan in anticipation of his response.

Nathan's lips twitched. He smirked as he lifted his teacup to take a sip, ignoring Lawrence completely.

Clifford frowned and took a glance at Lawrence.

Lawrence understood immediatelyand remarkett again, “Normally,cases of assault on women would: >carry a three-year sentence. But Mr.Kiel's case is more severe, so hecouktbe sentenced to five years inprison. What do you think, General?”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Nathan remained silent.

Lawrence steeled up and uttered, “General, what about ten years in prison?”Nathan laughed coldly.

Lawrence then blurted, “Twentyyears! Twenty years of SSimprisonment for Mr. Kiel. I believethat’s heavy enough.” Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org =

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