Salute To The General

Chapter 1707
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Chapter 1707

Now that Warren and Agnes had learned their lessons, Nathan turned around and gave Kiel a smile. "Do you still need me, kid? If not, I'm going toleave now."

Jasmine and the crowd exchanged glances upon hearing that.

No one would have the guts to talk to Kiel in such a manner.novelbin

They realized Kiel had finally met his match.

Rage throbbed in Kiel like a heartbeat when Nathan called him ‘kid’.

Though Nathan was the General of the North and Kiel was still a student in a foreign military school, they were almost the same age.Nevertheless, according to military rules, he would still have to respect him as a commanding officer.

In other words, as a commanding officer, Nathan had every right to call Kiel a ‘kid’.

Kiel’s face turned pallid. “You embarrassed the woman I like, and now you humiliate me in front of everyone. Don't you dare walk out of this door ifyou refuse to apologize to me.”

Nathan said in a calm voice, “Kneel before me if you want me to apologize.”

Kiel roared, “How dare you!” He then signaled his guards, “Take this man down!”

His four bodyguards then emerged and walked toward Nathan.

These bodyguards were the creme de la creme of the soldiers from The East that Clifford had selected specifically to protect Kiel.The respective names of these Chief Master Sergeants were Tiger, Eagle, Cannon. and Saber.

Their responsibility was to protect Kiel, and they had to do anything at his command.

Like wild beasts, the four bodyguards pounced in Nathan's direction

The crowd was petrified and started screaming.

Even Penny and Kylie became nervous at the turn of events.

Yet, Nathan was as steady as ever. He remained so calm as if the presence of the bodyguards did not threaten him at all.Before they could approach Nathan, Colin stepped forth and warned them in a deep voice. “Show me what you have!

He immediately launched an attack against him.

All four bodyguards possessed their own unique skills.

Yet, Colin was not intimidated by them, though he was fighting alone.

Penny was worried for him. “Nathan, are you sure Colin can handle this on his own?

Nathan smiled and said, “Don'tworry. He's the captain of my guardsand had a lot of experience dealingwith people like them. They aredefinitely no match for him? Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

In the snap of a finger, Colin defeated all of them

Tiger, Eagle, Cannon, and Saber collapsed on the ground, and all of them sustained severe injuries.

Colin said atoofly, "I'll let you offsince you're from the military, butifyou dare to be disrespectful todheGeneral ever again, then youd betterwatch out.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Feeling ashamed and mad at the same time, the four bodyguards were at a loss for words.What else could they say? Despite working together to take Colin down. they still failed.

After teaching the bodyguards a lesson, Colin gave Kiel a disdainful look. He asked Nathan, “What should I do with him?

Nathan togk a glance at Kiel and»said in a-€old voice, "Teach him aylessonand send him back to theDavier family. Tell Mr. Daviertodistipline his son. Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org 7

“Yes, sir.”

Colin then walked in Kiel's direction

Kiel was hopping mad but was alse terrified of them. “I'm the son of a member of the Cabinet and also a reserve officer. Don't you dare attackI"


Colin wasted no time and threw a punch at him. “Take that!”

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