Salute To The General

Chapter 1703
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Chapter 1703

Warren was the first to shout angrily. “How dare you talk to Mr. Kielin in such a way, Nathan? You must be tired of living!”

Agnes jumped in utter shock when she heard Nathan's words and she quickly pulled her husband away from the latter. At the same time, she saidbitterly, “You can die on your own if you're tired of living. Don't drag us into your

I, mess!

Her husband immediately said to Kiel, “Both my wife and I have nothing to do with this bas*ard. We're just sharing a table with him to enjoy our tea.Whatever he said has nothing to do with us. You can do whatever you want to him, be it chopping him up or killing him.”

Nathan and Kiel locked gazes with each other and were about to start a fight.But right at that moment, Jasmine rushed over to them.She said angrily to Kiel, “What is the meaning of this, Mr. Kiel?

The latter's face softened a little upon seeing her and he explained, “This bas*ard was speaking rudely of you, Ms. Jenkins. I was about to teach hima lesson.”

There was another reason Kiel was lashing out at Nathan besides that the latter had spoken rudely about Jasmine. The most important reason wasthat he saw the latter as his enemy who had gotten his sister killed

Jasmine was completely unaware of this as she said coldly to him, “This is my tea house and this man is a customer of mine, Mr. Kiel; so mycustomers are free to judge my skills. I wouldn't stop them from doing it, nor would I allow you to insult or bully them.” “But this bas*ard said that yourtea ceremony skills were only so-so and that your skills at playing the harp were worse!” Kiel said furiously. “You might be able to accept it, Ms.Jenkins, but I'm unable to do so.”

Warren came to his aid and said, “That's right, Ms. Jenkins. This ass*ole pretended to be noble and kept belittling you. We simply couldn't let him be.”Agnes sneered at Nathan, “Yeah! It's as if he's actually capable of doing what you did when he belittled your skills.”The customers in the tea house were either Jasmine's fans or they were in love with her.

Everyone was immediately whipped into a frenzy as they shouted, “This bas*ard insulted our tea goddess so much. Let him show us some of hisskills now!”novelbin

“That's right. Have him make tea and play the harp. If he does better than Ms. Jenkins, then so be it. If he turns out to be an idiot but still has the gutsto insult Ms. Jenkins, all of us here won't spare him.

Jasmine kept silent at that and glanced at NathanShe was aware that she was an exceptional woman, yet Nathan had never spared a glance at her.She regarded herself as quite skillful at making tea and playing the harp, but he commented that she only did so-so.

Humans were prideful beings. Moreover, Jasmine was the type of woman known as a goddess to many. For a beautiful woman who was alwayspraised, she was definitely more prideful than others.

She wanted to see for herself if Nathan was really the real deal.

Seeing that Jasmine wasn't trying toprotect or speaking on behalf ofNathan anyrsare, a cold smileappearedon Kiel's face. “Did youhear that? Everyone wants you tasmake #€a and play the harp. Let'ssee who! s the better one, yousor Ms.Jenkins, If it turns out that you' re noteven at her level, well just-assumethat you're deliberately slanderingMs. Jenkins. I won't be letting youoff the hook so easily.” Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

The customers now shifted their attention to Nathan.

The corners-of his lips tilted upwardinto a small smile. “Hey, kiddo. Itsnot thath don't understand tea.ceremonies or how to play the-harp,but you’ re not worthy of havifig memake tea or play the harp for you.”Céntent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Kiel’s face flushed red the second he heard the former's words.He was born into a rich and powerful family. People flattered him since he was young and he had never been insulted like this.In a blink of an eye, his face darkened and his whole body started shaking.

Jasmine was shocked by Nathan's words as well.

I can't believetsomeone is braveenough to offend Mr. Kiel like thathere in Brienmopolis. Where in the-~world didhe find the courage todothat?ishe that fearless because ofblisstul ignorance, or does hehavenothing to fear? Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

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