Salute To The General

Chapter 1697
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Chapter 1697

Initially, the reception at the Noble Hotel was held to welcome the Xyperian Foreign Minister, Leigh and his eight warlords.

However, after they had provoked Nathan, they were taught a great lesson instead

Feeling utterly embarrassed, Leigh did not want to stay any longer and decided to leave the place with his eight warlords who were heavily injured.Even though Leigh and his men had left. it did not dampen the lively atmosphere of the reception.

The leaders and guests who attended the reception had nothing else but admiration for Nathan.

First Lady Camilla, also took the opportunity to introduce some of Brimmopolis' nobles to Nathan, in order to form good connections for him.

Even though Nathan was the General of the frontier, he hardly made friends with the nobles and the riches in Brimmopolis because he had beenguarding the North for all these years.

Camilla knew that before her husband retired from his position, he wanted Nathan to be introduced into the Cabinet.Therefore, she was constantly helping Nathan pave his way.

There was another person whe was unhappy that night. It was none other than Clifford Davier.

Even until now, Clifford couldn't let go of the grudge of his daughter's death.

He had wanted to see how Nathan would disgrace himself tonight, but he did not expect him to defeat all the eight warlords from Xyperia instead.Clifford was totally shocked.

At that moment, he smiled and said, "First Lady, General, since Xyperia's Foreign Minister and his men have left, I won't stay any longer too. I'll leavefor now.”

Camilla replied smilingly. “Have a safe journey, Mr. Davier.

He smiled once again and departed with his men.

The moment he turned around, his smile disappeared and his face darkened.While Nathan looked at Clifford leaving the hall, thoughts started piling in.

Then, Camilla spoke softly to Nathan, “Both Clifford and Boris were the most voted candidates to be the next President. Seeing that Boris is in jailnow, his chance of taking the seat is higher now.”

Nathan nodded, “I know.novelbin

Camilla continued, “Regarding Phoebe's matter, you could have handled it better.”


Clifford Davier's daughter.

That time, Phoebe conspired with Santiago and set the orphanage on fire, then harmed Penny in order to seek revenge on Nathan.In the end, Santiago was killed by Nathan and Phoebe died because he insisted on pursuing the matter at all costs

Camilla was lecturing Nathan that he should have given Phoebe a chance to live.

Nathan repliecealmly, “If Phoebe


had not attacked my wife in the firstplace, I might nave givenhera = =>chance: I However, she tried to harmmy wife é and the baby in her; anid thatcrossed my boundaries. I couldn'tforgive her.” Content be ongs to


Since Phoebe had already died, Camilla knew that it was useless for her to talk about that anymore.

Then, she digressed and remindedhim softly, “Boris is a vile person.He's vengefu and has hatred writtenall over his fate. On the other hand,Clifford is different. He understands.that being Impatient would =eventually ruin great plans. It's. clear“Sthat he really despises you everbefare this but he is holding himselfback. A man like him woutd not beeasily provoked but if opportun itystrikes, he will definitely eliminate hisenemies. You have to be extremelycautious around him. If he becomesthe next President of the nation, thenit's best for you to be even morealert.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Clifford was indeed a ruthless man.

Previously, in order to satisfy Nathan when he insisted on holding Phoebe accountable; it was Clifford who had ordered her only daughter to be shotto death.

A person like him who would do that to his own flesh and blood was definitely relentless, let alone the things he would do to his enemies.Nathan responded calmly, “Thank you madam for reminding, I will definitely be more aware.

Davier family residence.

The magnificent gates opened slowly while a red sedan and a few escorting black cars entered.

Upon arriving, the cars halted at the courtyard while a bodyguard darted over and opened the backdoor of the red sedan respectfully.

Clifford was-suited in a white shirtanda paitof black trousers, toppedwith a grey jacket. Then, the >whiteshaired man got out of the carandwalked towards the entrance ofthe-house. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Just as he was making his way, he heard chatters from the living room.

Clifford was stunned while he asked around, “Who's visiting the house? Why is it so lively tonight?

Someone replied in a hurried manner, “Sir, young master has returned from abroad.”

His face beamed with joy after hearing that his son had returned home.

At that moment, a tall handsome man walked out from the living room while being surrounded by a group of family members.

That man was Kiel indeed.

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