Salute To The General

Chapter 1681
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Chapter 1681

“Kai, what happened? Who did this to you?When Kremlin saw his son in a wheelchair, he growled like a ferocious lion, shaken and ferocious.Kai wept and whimpered as he relayed what had happened, not forgetting to throw in some tearjerking elements to the mix.

He pointed at Nathan and accused the man through gritted teeth, “Dad, he's the one whe wrecked my racecar and injured my leg! Dad, I want him topay!

“I want him to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair!

Kremlin said, “Alright, I promise you. He won't ever stand on his own two feet again, and he willspend the rest of his days in a wheelchair.”

He then ordered his men to apprehend Nathan.

However, Justin, who was by his side, stopped him.

Kremlin stared at Justin in bewilderment and exclaimed in a displeased tone, “Justin, you saw what happened to Kai. He's badly injured. Why do youstop me?

At the same time, Justin was staring daggers at Nathan. He looked utterly aghast, as though he was looking at a ghost in bright daylightHe swallowed hard, then he whispered to Kremlin, “Lin, we can't afford to mess with this man. It's not worth it.”

Kremlin got mad at that statement, “In Brimmopolis, we know every single person we shouldn't mess with. Strangers. on the other hand, are not onthat list.

“I don't care where this fellow comes from. He beat up my son, he'll have to pay the price. I cannot spare him...”Justin's face paled further the more Kremlin spoke. He wanted so much to press his hand over the captain's mouth, just to make him stop talking.

This man before them was Nathan, the one and only General of the North, who just recently managed to bring down Boris, one of their Cabinetofficials!

Just days ago, Justin was defeated by the same man. He did not expect to encounter Nathan again so scon.

It was an awkward situation for Justin. He lowered his voice and barked at Kremlin, “Lin, be quiet. How can someone of your status say such athing?”

Kremlin was beyond stunned.

He might have been fuming with anger upon seeing his son in such a horrible state and had nearly lost his mind because of it, but he was no fool.After Justin repeatedly reminded him, he finally realized that something was not right.

For Justin to be wary of the man in question, Kremlin had the feeling that Nathan ought not to be underestimated.

Filled with suspicions, he asked, “Justin, who exactly is this man? And why do you fear him so? It's very unlike you.”

Justin began to recall bitter memories.

The other day, he had just been defeated by Nathan, while his mentor and greatest backer, Boris, had been overthrown by the same man.

Ever since then, he did not dare to cross paths with Nathan. Now that he encountered Nathan again, in an inevitable conflict, how could he not beafraid?

“Lin, aren't you the captain of the Brimmopolis Transportation Brigade? Don't you recognize General Cross, the General of the North, also known asthe God of War?”

The General of the NorthiThe God of WarlGeneral Cross!novelbin

Justin's words rained down on Kremlin and Kai like rolling thunder.

Kremlin's body began to shake, his blood pressure soared, and he almost coughed upblood.

Kai trembled with fright as well. He almest fell out of the wheelchair.

Even Billy, the owner of the Eight Treasures, watched in shock as the events unfold, and stumbled a few steps back. If the manager and one of theservers had not held on to him in time, he would have slumped onto the floor.

Everyone present gaped at Nathan with shock and horror.

The young man before their eyes, the one with muscular physique and eyes that shone like stars, turned out to be Nathan Cross, the General of theNorth.

Justin had already scurried towards Nathan, with several of his subordinates behind him. He raised his hand to salute the general and, in a tone thatcarried mixed feelings, greeted Nathan, “Good day, General!”

When Kremlin and his people witnessed Justin's behavior, they snapped back to their senses. Then, they stepped forward to greet Nathan too, eachmore horrified than the next, “Good day, General.”

Kai, due to his.wounded left foot,could not stand up to salute Nathanthe way everyone else could. He ~™remained seated in his wheeichatr,his face visibly pale and his eyesfillecswith despair as he glanced atNathan. His body, though, wassfivering uncontrollably..Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

His mind went blank, with only a voice eating at him on repeat: I'm done for, he's the general, he's the general...Nathan looked at Justin, Kremlin, and Kai. He addressed them in a frigid voice, “Chief, what a

small world. Here we meet again.

Justin forced a smile, sweating profusely, “Indeed!”

Nathan looked at the armed police force behind Justin, and said sternly, “What's going on here? Chief, are you telling me that you're indignant aboutour encounter a few days ago? Are you looking for another fight with me?”

Justin's face turned pale in aninstant, ande quickly denied, “No,_ . SGeneral. hdo not intend to challengeyOu. The‘owner of this restauranthad catled the police to report a fighton their premises. I brought ¢ mysgtrad here to investigate." ‘Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ¢

Nathan snickered, “That's quite a lot of people you brought here, just to settle a fight. Tell me, if it wasn't your nephew who was stirring up troublehere, do you maintain the same degree

of enthusiasm in your work?”

Justin found himself in an awkward position and at a loss for words. It was true that he came with the intention of beating up his nephew's adversary.Then Nathan's gaze fell on Kremlin again. “Are you Kremlin Woods, Captain of the Transportation Brigade, as well as Kai's father?"

Kremlin had no choice but to answer nervously, “Yes, General.

Nathan continued to speak harshly, “A moment ago, you said that you want me to break both my legs so that I'll spend the rest of my life in awheelchair. Is that right?”

Kremlin couldot help but trembleat those words. He quickly came upwith an explanation, "General, pleasedon't take it seriously. My son's, beenbeatemup really badly. It wed just abunsh of nonsense I said in aspurof frantic moment. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ©

That's all there is..."

“But I took it seriously,” Nathan said, his tone cold and indifferent.

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