Salute To The General

Chapter 1669
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Chapter 1669

With that, he ordered his men to retreat.Boris' face was clouded over, but there was nothing he could do as he watched them leave with his property.

His subordinate was worried. “Mr. Tucker, Nathan Cross is out of his mind! He has taken all of the documents and electronic gadgets with him. Theycontained a lot of important information, including your...”

Boris' face grew grim. “Enough! I don't need yau to tell me that!”With his face contorted with rage, he uttered with an exasperated snort, “Hmph! Nathan Cross, do you truly think that you can take me down?"

He ordered his subordinates, “Get the car ready! I'm going to visit the other Cabinet members. I will persuade them to agree to remove Nathan fromoffice and strip him of his military title through a motion tomorrow. By then, I can hold him liable for his offense. I will make him pay the price fordefying me.

“Yes, Sir!’ His subordinates got the car ready for him in no timeThat night, Boris was busy visiting the other Cabinet members to defuse the crisis that would possibly affect his political career.Meanwhile, Nathan, Hailey, Will, and the others had brought the documents and electronic gadgets back to the military base.

At the same time, Hailey had resorted to deploying more than a thousand staff from multiple departments of the Secret Service to help sort out thedocuments.

They were required to categorize the documents into unimportant documents and those that concerned Boris and his subordinates’ illegal dealings.Nathan, Will, and Hailey needed to be present to supervise the entire process

Will poured each of them a cup of tea. He took a sip of the tea before he remarked, “General, Director Reagan, we've thoroughly offended Mr. Tuckertoday.

"From the documents that we'vegotten here, Mr. Tucker is involved inboth corruption andnepotism.Despite allowing his subo dinatestoput offjeial titles up for sale, he alsotumnett 3 blind eye to his son incommitting crimes. Not only-that, heeven colluded with foreigr-forces inthe attack targeted at General.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

“These pieces of evidence are more than sufficient to send him to jail or even sentence him to death.

Then, he voiced out his concern, “Butit seems likehe has monopolizedthe Cabinet>He has the most powetamongstthe members and he has aclose Féfationship with many ofthers m afraid that we can ‘takehias-down even with all the-evidencethat we've gathered.” Coriténtbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

With her brows-knotted, Haileyexpressed her opinion, “If we can'ttake him down, then we must bepreparecHor his retaliation. If hemanages to survive through thiscrisis? it is certain that he willtakerevenge on us.” Content beléngs ite)NovelDrama.Org 4



Will could net agree more with Hailey's words. Looking at Nathan, he asked, “General, if the worst happens, what should we do?”

Nathan replied calmly, “We will do our best for now and leave the rest to fate. Boris Tucker has done all kinds of evil: he is the parasite of thegovernment. I believe that justice will be served.”

On the other hand, Boris was exhausted when he finally got home at dawn.Thankfully, his efforts were not for naught.Amongst the remaining nine Cabinet members, those who were on good terms with him had agreed to be on his side to support his motion.

After much negotiation, some of those who previously remained neutral too agreed to support him in exchange for him promising them some lucrativeconditions.

The remaining members were President Windsor's trusted aides, so he did not bother to persuade them.

Anyway, amongst the ten members of Cabinet, seven of them, including himself, would agree to remove Nathan from office and deprive him of hismilitary title in the upcoming Cabinet meeting.

A wicked smile crept onto his face. Nathan Cross, you're still wet behind the ears to oppose me!novelbin

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