Salute To The General

Chapter 1663
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Chapter 1663

After discovering Nathan's identity, Weston could already guess the purpose of his visit.

When he heard that, his heart instantly sank like a rock.

Since the General already knows about my relationship with Armageddon, he'll definitely have a way to pry information out of me no matter how hard I try to resist.As Mr. Tucker's disciple, I've benefited immensely from him. If I fail to keep that confidential information safe, I'll drag my benefactor down.At that thought, he suddenly whipped his gun out.

However, it was at that moment that he heard the loud bang of a gunshot. A bullet hit his right arm, causing his gun to clatter onto the ground.With the gun still aimed at him, Colin approached him and warily kicked his gun away.Nathan remained seated on the chair calmly. He gazed at Weston, who had been shot earlier, and warned coldly, "Don't think of resisting or committing suicide. Without my permission, you don't even have the liberty to die."

Weston's face turned completely pale. He bit his lips and remained silent.Nathan continued, "Since I've already come personally, don't you plan on saying something?"

Clenching his jaw and clutching his right arm, Weston refused to utter a single word.

Met by his silence, Nathan said calmly, "Seems like you're determined to keep quiet. You aren’t even afraid of death, but why are you so reluctant to confess? Who are you trying to protect? Your benefactor?"

When he heard that, he quickly retorted, "This has nothing to do with Mr. Tucker. Stop trying to drag him down with it."Nathan asked calmly, "Then, who’s involved? You're responsible for helping the Dark Lord's men enter Brimmopolis right from the very beginning. Don't tell me that you are oblivious to the fact that they’re here to assassinate me."

Westone replied, "It has nothing to do with anyone. The Dark Lord has a grudge against you, so he wants to kill you. I accepted his money and provided him with some assistance. It's that simple. You can lock me up or kill me, but don't pin the blame on other innocent people." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Nathan coldly demanded, "So, did you provide the weapons too? The Dark Lord's men used the military's weapons. You've already been kicked out of the army long ago, so how did you get the authority to get your hands on them? You even managed to give those mercenaries the weapons from the Guardian Special Forces' weapons vault." Content belongs to NovelDrama.Orgnovelbin

Weston was at a loss for how to rebuke him.Snorting coldly, Nathan scoffed, "You aren't that powerful enough to shoulder such a major task alone."At that moment, Hailey arrived with a group of subordinates.When he saw her, he welcomed her with a smile. "You've come at the right time, Hailey. This rascal is refusing to say anything. Bring him back and pry the information out of his mouth."

Shooting a glance at Weston, who had gone completely pale, she promised, "Okay. We’ll definitely pry his mouth open and make him reveal everyone who's involved."

Soon, Hailey and the rest brought Weston away.

When Nathan and Colin returned to the hotel, they discovered that Will was already waiting for them there.Smiling, Nathan asked, "Major-General Long, how's the investigation about the Dark Lord's weapons coming along?"

He replied in a deep voice, “We discovered that Colson Remus, the person in charge of logistics, is a highly possible suspect. He might be the one who provided the Dark Lord's mercenaries with the weapons. When we found him, he had just committed suicide by putting a bullet through his mouth.” Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Nathan frowned, "So, Colson is dead too?"Will replied, "Not yet. We sent him to the military hospital and he's being rescued at the emergency room now. We don't know if he can be saved yet."Displeased, Nathan instructed, "Tell the doctors at the military hospital that they must save Colson. He plays a critical role in this investigation, so he mustn't die. If he and Weston both accuse Boris of the attacks, it'll be his turn to pay the price."Will replied, "Yes, sir. I'll go to the hospital now!"

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