Salute To The General

Chapter 1655
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Chapter 1655

Dark Lord brought along dozens of subordinates and rushed to the twenty-first floor.

They searched through the center and finally found Nathan in the most luxurious private room.

He was sitting on a chair while Kyle was sitting next to him.

Also, two middle-aged female masseuses were preparing milk and traditional medicine for their footbaths.

At the same time, Colin and the Elite Eight stood tall next to Nathan as if they were the guardians of Hell. They glared at Dark Lord and his subordinates as soon as they entered.


Colin, the Elite Eight, and Dark Lord’s subordinates lifted and pointed their guns at each other at the same time.

A battle would break out any moment.

Nathan glanced at Dark Lord and asked smilingly, “So, are you Dark Lord, the captain of Armageddon?”

Dark Lord squinted his eyes and stared at Nathan with a frosty look. “And are you Nathan, the God of War who killed my brother and many of my subordinates?”

Nathan replied blandly, “Your brother and subordinates died, but they had themselves to blame.”

He paused for a while and added, “Since they were dead, they didn’t have any chance to repent. But you’re different. You still have a chance to repent because I’m granting it to you now.”

Dark Lord sneered, “A chance to repent?”

Immediately, Nathan answered calmly, “That’s right! If you and your subordinates drop your weapons and tell me who let you enter this country, I promise to let you live.”

However, Dark Lord guffawed at his remark. “Nathan, your men have guns, but my men have guns too. If the battle starts, we can’t be certain who will survive this.”

Nathan was unperturbed when he replied, “I’m confident about my men’s capability. If your men want to fire at us, I can assure you that they will be shot and killed before they can do so.”

“Why don’t you try?” Dark Lord sneered again as he didn’t believe Nathan’s words.

Indeed, Nathan’s subordinates were the elites in this country. However, Dark Lord’s subordinates were also well-trained mercenaries.

Nevertheless, he didn’t instruct them to shoot.

After all, if both sides opened fire, it was possible that both Nathan and Dark Lord would die in the shooting rampage.

He narrowed his eyes at Nathan. “You want us to perish together?”

Much to his surprise, Nathan replied smilingly, “No. I just want you to surrender and tell me who let you enter this country.” Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Dark Lord snickered. “Unfortunately, I wish to kill you to avenge my brother and subordinates.”

Nathan raised his brows and said, “Looks like you’re still interested in finding out if my men can shoot faster than yours or otherwise.”

Dark Lord suggested, “I would suggest taking the middle ground.”

Nathan’s interest seemed to be aroused. “Oh?”

Dark Lord explained, “Our men from both sides can let down our weapons. Then, you and I will solve this with an ancient method. Let’s duel.” Content belongs to NovelDrama.Orgnovelbin

He paused for a while and continued, “If you lose, your head will be mine. I’ll kill you and leave. If I lose, my life is yours. You can kill me or instruct me to tell you the mastermind’s identity.” Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Nathan said with a grin. “A duel? I agree to it!”

Once Nathan agreed, he said, “On the count of three, your men and mine will disarm ourselves at the same time.”

Nathan replied without hesitation. “Sure!”

One… Two… Three!


Almost in unison, Colin, the Elite Eight, and Dark Lord’s subordinates lifted and pointed their guns at each other’s heads.

Furthermore, both sides were staring at each other squarely.

After that, Nathan commanded, “Both sides have to remove the magazines and bullets and disassemble your guns altogether.”

Dark Lord nodded. “Sure!”

As soon as Dark Lord counted to three, both sides removed the magazines and bullets from their guns in unison. Then, everyone disassembled their guns in a well-trained manner.

Dark Lord walked to the center of the opulent private room and squinted his eyes. “Nathan, it’s time to end this.”

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