Salute To The General

Chapter 1642
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Chapter 1642

In a level voice, Nathan explained, “I know you guys have taken loans from various places to raisethe fund. Without the money from me, not only will you guys be in deep trouble, your parents will beimplicated too. This time, I'm willing to help you guys out and save your bacon. I hope all of you willthink about your parents, and the President before acting recklessly. Please bear this in mind -everytime you do anything rash, there are people who will use that against your parents. Theirpeaceful lives will be disrupted. Is that something you guys want to see?”

The officials led by Cheryl couldn't help but keep their eyes downcast in embarrassment.

There were multiple reasons behind Nathan's decision to give the eight billion to Cheryl and hermen.

Firstly, his parents, as well as those of Cheryl and her men, were the trusted aides of PresidentWindsor. Therefore, Nathan saw Cheryl and her men as people on his side too.

Now that Boris Tucker and his gang had usurped the control of the nation ever since PresidentWindsor was bedridden, it naturally followed that Nathan had to stick together with Cheryl and hermen.

If he kept all the fortune to himself and allowed Cheryl and her men to suffer the substantial loss, heknew none of them would be pleased with his action though they would not let their irritation show.

Other than that, he was sure that Cheryl and her men must have taken multiple loans from differentplaces to raise the fund to participate in the bet.

If they had no means to pay back the loans, their parents would surely be implicated by the issue.

That was something Nathan did not want to see.

Therefore, he decided to help them pay for the money they lost. After all, money meant nothingmore than a combination of numbers to him. On top of that, he did not actually fork out any moneyhimself because he won that money from Hagen.

Nathan's guess was spot-on. In order to raise the eight billion, Cheryl's men had taken loans fromdifferent places.

The consequences would be dire if they had no money to pay for them.

In fact, Cheryl and her men were pretty sure at first that they were doomed, but Nathan came totheir aid just in time.

Their eyes were filled with nothing but gratitude when they looked at Nathan.

If it was not because of the fact that Nathan was way out of their league, they would not hesitate tomake him the leader of the Excalibur.

Meanwhile, Cheryl couldn't hide her gratitude toward Nathan too.

Staring at him with her eyes sparkled with admiration, she had fallen head over heels for him.

No wonder I fell in love with him at first sight. He's indeed exceptional!

Kylie, who noticed the way Cheryl was staring at Nathan, couldn't help but be pissed. Nathan isindeed an incredibly talented man, but he only has eyes for my sister. You don't stand a chance ofscoring him, b*tch!

After transferring the money to Nathan, Hagen fled the scene together with his men.

Timothy did not prolong his stay too. Seeing that the matter had been put to an end, he badefarewell to Nathan and took off together with his men.

The crowd of onlookers continued to gossip about the dramatic clash between Hagen and Nathanas they slowly dispersed.

Cheryl and her men proposed to buy Nathan a meal at the most luxurious club in Brimmopolis tothank him for his help.

However, Nathan rejected their kind gesture.novelbin

Nonchalantly, he said to Cheryl and her men, “Clubbing is not really my thing, so I'm afraid I'll haveto give it a pass. You guys go ahead and have fun. Also, please send my regards to your


Cheryl quickly proposed, “Let me send you home then.”

Nathan shook his head at her. “It's not really necessary as my men will drive me home.”

Cheryl found it hard to disguise the disappointment in her eyes.

A couple of years ago, President Windsor and his wife had tried to be the matchmaker for Nathanand her. However, Nathan turned down their offer, saying that he already had someone on his mind.

According to rumors, Nathan was dating that girl now.

In fact, Cheryl could sense that Nathan had been subtly trying to keep a distance from her. Shegathered from that she was really not meant to be with him.

Just then, Colin and the Elite Eight, who showed up in several sedans, invited Nathan to get intoone of the cars.

After Nathan and Kylie eased themselves into one of the sedans, the convoy was driven away in anunhurried manner.

Watching the cars slowly fading out of her sight, Cheryl thought about what Nathan told her backthen. We aren't right for each other because I already found the girl I like. I believe you will meetyours soon...

Cheryl sighed, “How can I fall in love with somebody else when I only have eyes for you? It seemslike I'm destined to stay lonely and miserable for the rest of my life.”

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