Salute To The General

Chapter 1551 Dr Torres Is Here
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Chapter 1551 Dr Torres Is Here

Soon, Shadow reached the airport with five of his best men. They were dressed casually,pretending to be passengers while waiting to launch their attack.

Shortly afterwards, a private jet from the South military districts touched down.

Dr. Torres, one of the two most outstanding doctors in the country, had arrived.

There was a vicious look in Shadow's eyes when he noted the doctor's arrival.

He beckoned his men with a nod, and all of them barged into the arrival hall at the same time.

"What are you guys doing!" Two airport securities tried to stop them.

Bang! Bang!

Before the guards could make sense of what had happened, they were knocked by Shadow to theground.

Go!" Shadow bellowed to his men before anyone noticed them.

He then led his men with pistols and scurried towards the private jet that had just landed.

However, to their surprise, only a few flight attendants disembarked from the jet.

No one deplaned after that; there was no sign of Dr. Torres at all.

"Get on the plane!" Shadow berated.

Soon, he and his men boarded the plane in a hurry.

However, as soon as they embarked on the jet, they were shocked to see what was in front of them.

It was Dragonfury, the country's special force unit. They were armed with machine guns, and itseemed like they had been long waiting forthem.

Shadow and his men were stunned. What's going on? Where's Dr. Torres?novelbin

The group was led by Ava, who had now pulled her hair into a ponytail.

"Well, well, the General was right. You guys just can't give up, can you? Are you afraid to be trackedby Dr. Torres? Is that why you planned to kill him? But too bad, we've already ruined your plan. Dr.Torres already got off at the military airport in Channing! We came here for you, and you guys camedirectly to us, putting your head in the noose."

Shadow soon realized that they had been duped.

Without hesitation, he pulled his trigger and took a shot at Ava.

However, Ava was fast enough to dodge away; the bullet missed her.

Without further ado, the special fighters of Dragonfury sprang into action and fired their guns inunison.

Shadow had no choice but to use two of his men as shields to escape.

His men were shot instantly; their bodies were wounded like a honeycomb.

Shadow had excellent agility, so he managed to escape from the plane despite being wounded bybullets.

However, a group of airport securities with batons soon rushed in and had him surrounded.

Shadow was a wounded prey. He jostled and knocked down a few of the securities before fightinghis way out from the encirclement.

He desperately ran to the main road and tackled a cab that was waiting for passengers by theroadside. He hurriedly got in, and the cab soon sped all the way to the Celestial Club.

Yale was having a meeting with a few of his subordinates when Shadow returned. He had neverimagined Shadow to come back all covered in blood.

"What's going on?" Yale was alarmed to see his condition.

"We've been duped! Dr. Torres had already alighted the plane at the Channing Military Airport, anda group of special task force boarded the plane as it landed at Channing International Airportinstead." Shadow was gasping for breath with his hand on his wounded chest as he spoke.

"They were waiting for me, and I happened to walk into their trap!"

"What? And you escaped and came here? Damn it! You're such an idiot. You're a bait to Nathan.He's trailing you to get to us!”

Yale was furious and panicked. He quickly drew his gun and shot Shadow to death.

Right at that moment, the door to their private room was hacked open.

Colin, Ava, and Thomas appeared with a group of the special task unit behind them.

They barged in and moved into position.

Then, a tall and strong figure in combat boots walked in casually.

He's the General, Nathan Cross!

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