Salute To The General

Chapter 1542 By The Orders Of The President
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Chapter 1542 By The Orders Of The President

Just as Boris edged upon being overwhelmed with shock, he spotted the imposing figure of anillustrious general as he strode forth purposefully at the spearhead of an impressive contingent.novelbin

It was none other than Will Long, the Commander of the Capital Garrison himself.

Will bellowed at his charges, "Secure the grounds immediately. Disarm these bastards and shootanyone who dares resist.”

"Sir, yes Sir!”

With a mass of firearms pointed at their temples, Gyrfalcon, Rohan, and their men had no choicebut to lay down their own weapons, one after the other.

Will then proceeded to make his way inside the hotel.

Boris had not expected Will to show up with his men and subdue all of his own men in the process.

He slammed his fists on the table as he got to his feet, directing his fear, as well as rage towardsWill, "Will Long, have you gone mad? Do you intend to usurp power and disrupt the chain ofcommand?"

Will first bowed towards Nathan, then turned back to face Boris, unperturbed, "That, I would notventure to do. I merely seek to perform my duty."

Boris's anger was not allayed, "Upon whose orders are you acting? Since when has theCommander of Capital Garrison become Nathan Cross' lackey?”

Will maintained his dignified stance. "I am here on the orders of the President!”

The President!

That finally led Boris to simmer down.

Though he may be one of the ten elder statesman and someone who was widely considered to bethe strongest candidate in line for the highest office in the land, he understood that he was not onewho could afford to pit himself against President

Hansel Windsor at present.

Boris withheld his displeasure and queried, "And for what reason has President Windsor sent youhere with your troops?"

Will whipped out his cellphone and proffered it to Boris, "Perhaps it would be better for the elder toask the President himself."

Will was again unnerved by this latest sequence of events and hesitantly took the call.

He spoke tentatively into the phone, and from the other end came President Windsor's wizened yetauthoritative voice, "Boris!"

Boris's body language visibly revealed his deference, "Yes, Mr. President, it is I."

President Windsor spoke calmly, "I am aware that you and Nathan have your differences, but it iseveryone's best interest for internal matters to be resolved internally."

"By deploying the Cabinet's Security Detail, activating the Capital Garrison, and staging a verypublic confrontation with him, you are acting out of line."

"It would be unbecoming should any of our successors follow the example set by Nathan andyourself in dragging their subordinates into open skirmishes."

Boris bit his lip and admitted, "I acted thoughtlessly."

Hansel continued, "Since you have realized the error of your ways, kindly reflect upon it attomorrow's Cabinet meeting."

Boris's eyes widened, "What of Nathan...?"

Hansel's tone was indifferent, "Nathan, too, is at fault. Half of his annual wage shall be forfeited, andboth of you have been sentenced to fifty strokes."

Boris was sullen and indignant at this verdict.

To ask him, as an elder statesman, to issue a public apology to the President and the othermembers of the Cabinet would cause tremendous damage to his esteem, while losing half of hisannual wage, by comparison, would be inconsequential to Nathan.

But Boris was well aware that Nathan was favored by Hansel, and as such, the President wasbound to do his utmost to protect him.

On top of that, Hansel was also intentionally taking the opportunity to undermine his standing anddiminish his chances of ascending to the Presidency.

Boris inhaled deeply but finally decided to back down.

"Yes, Mr. President."

Hansel went on, "Your son's situation - it's a complicated one. He hired assassins to murdergenerals and, in turn, fell victim to one himself. Worse still, he was killed in Japan."

"As Nathan and yourself are in highly sensitive positions, I would prefer that the both of youdistance yourself from the matter."

"Therefore, I feel that investigation for this case should be referred to the Japanese police, andneither of you is to see any further involvement in it."

This greatly incensed Boris.

He had little faith that the police would be able to uncover anything, and even if they did, he doubtedtheir ability to punish Ava as she had previously served as the Captain of National Guards. TheJapanese police would likely prefer to avoid trouble and elect to play it down until the whole issueboiled over.

Boris was absolutely livid at this thought, but he replied regardless, "Yes, Mr.


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