Salute To The General

Chapter 1537 None Of Your Business
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Chapter 1537 None Of Your Business

Airport, Brimmopolis.

Nathan, Colin, Ava, the Elite Eight and Ava's family were just disembarking from the newly landedplane when a group of men in black wearing official work badges appeared.

Their leader was wearing a pair of dark glasses that did nothing to mask the domineering air ofabsolute authority he carried.

He was the boss of the Brimmopolis Police Department, a nasty piece of work by the name ofRohan Glover.

"Hello there, General!"

Rohan strode over in Nathan's direction with a couple of his lackeys, lazily extending a hand ingreeting.

Nathan was in no hurry to shake Rohan's hand, preferring to first observe him with a morbid senseof interest.

He was well-aware of Rohan's background and how he had been promoted to his current positionthanks to Boris Tucker.

Boris was Rohan's mentor, but it was a well-known fact that the two of them were as close as fatherand son.

Nathan had been at odds with Boris lately, a fact that Rohan had to be well-aware of.

As someone under the Boris Tucker's banner, Rohan would not come all this way just to welcomeNathan and his allies back to Brimmopolis. He almost certainly had an ulterior motive that Nathanwas keen to discover.

With that in mind, Nathan offered Rohan a dangerous half-smile. "I must say, I'm flattered with allthe attention, Chief Glover. I appreciate you coming personally, certainly, but you've brought somany men too? I'm very flattered."

"Oh?” Rohan's eyes turned slightly forced behind his easy smile.

It was all too easy to pick up the undertones in Nathan's polite voice. That man was mocking him.

But two could play at the game and Rohan was nothing but an experienced player. The slightawkwardness in his eyes vanished just as quickly as it appeared.

He cleared his throat, using a tone of voice that suggested serious business. "General, my men andI are indeed here to welcome you, but we also have official matters to bring to your attention.”

"Oh?” Nathan allowed himself a quiet chuckle. "Please, enlighten me.”

With a serious expression set on his face, Rohan gestured at Ava, who was standing demurelybeside Nathan. "Your companion, Miss Ava Quinn, is a suspect in the murder of Boris Tucker's son,that is Spencer Tucker."

"I was informed that she would be returning to the country today." Rohan's intent eyes never leftAva's face. "And so I came with my men personally to request that she come with us to assist in ourinvestigation."

Ava's expression was complicated.novelbin

Spencer Tucker had hired her to kill Nathan. For one reason or another, he had purposefully keptNathan's true identity from her and even tried to have her silenced after doing the dirty deed.

At that time, she was still an assassin under the auspices of the Dark Temple, thinking that shewould never be able to return to her country or the General's side ever again.

And that was why she had turned on Spencer Tucker instead, killing him in a fit of rage. At that time,she was truly beyond caring. Worry was something that she had long since crushed beneath herheel in order to face the harsh reality.

Never in a thousand years had she thought that the General would come for her, or that he wouldpardon her and allow her to return to serve in the North Army.

It really was all too good to be true. But alas, her murder of Spencer Tucker had caught up with her.

Mr. Tucker was a man of unimaginable

power. There was no way he would let his son die in vain.

Even now, Rohan Glover was already here to apprehend her.

Ava schooled her complicated expression carefully.

However, Nathan was not fazed in the least. The corner of his mouth even rose to his trademarklittle smile, except this time it was fully mocking.

He regarded Rohan coolly and the smile turned into a sneer. "Ah, I see now. I assume Mr. Tuckerasked you to come arrest her, yes?”

Rohan stood his ground resolutely, the denial coming easily to his lips. "I believe you are mistaken,General. Our preliminary investigation suggests that Miss Quinn here is a primary suspect in themurder of Spencer Tucker in Japan. We're acting on procedure to arrest her—” 'The hell you are,"Nathan growled. Rohan's collected thoughts screeched to a sudden halt. Nathan's curt insult hadsent him reeling. His men were also frozen in shock.

Even Ava, Colin, the Elite Eight and Nathan's other allies were surprised.

Rohan's shock manifested itself in sputtering anger even as his face flushed about ten differentshades of red. "General, you—"

Nathan shook his head coolly. "If you can't admit that Boris Tucker sent you here, that's fine. Butsaying your arrest of Miss Quinn is based on procedure— that's a load of bullshit and we all knowthat.”

"Is this your first day at work?" Nathan was being unabashedly condescending now.

"Let me refresh your memory. Ava Quinn is a member of the North Army and one of the Captains ofthe National Guard at that."

"And just so I am very clear on this." Nathan smiled viciously at Rohan. "You should know thatwhatever the North Army does is entirely under my jurisdiction. It is

exactly none of your business."

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