Salute To The General

Chapter 1527 Dark Emperor
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Chapter 1527 Dark Emperor

The next day, Nathan and Penny were having breakfast together while Colin stood by the sidemaking a report to Nathan in a respectful manner.

Colin said in a solemn voice, "General, something big happened again last night!"

"What was it about?” Nathan asked curiously.

"Spencer Tucker, the son of Boris Tucker, and his subordinates were killed last night," reportedColin.

Nathan was stunned. "Who did it?"novelbin

"The King of Killers who has gained fame in recent years, code-named SI. Her name's actually AvaQuinn."

Nathan, Penny, and Frida, who was next to him, were all struck dumb.

Nathan frowned and asked, "What went on?"

"Spencer hired Ava to assassinate you. However, Ave has a rule that she follows.

She refuses to kill any head of state or commanding officer. She felt that she had been set up bySpencer and soon found out that he had wanted to kill her afterwards. Infuriated, she went directlyto Spencer and killed him," Colin explained.

Shocked, Nathan asked in a serious tone, "How did Ava become the King of Killers? What has shebeen doing during her disappearance these three years?"

Tve looked into it," Colin answered. "Ava and her family, including her mom and her siblings hadbeen living in Europe. Three years ago, the Dark Temple held her family hostage and threatened

her to work for them. If she didn't, they would kill her family. In desperation, she disclosed a lot ofconfidential information to the Dark Temple, including your schedule."

Dark Temple!

It was the most powerful assassination organization in the world.

Nathan finally knew that it was the Dark Temple who had threatened Ava with her family to find outhis whereabouts and planned the assassination in partnership with eighteen countries three yearsago.

"I think Ava didn't expect that disclosure of your whereabouts would lead to such a seriousconsequence. She is very regretful and dares not to see you again. Besides, as her family's livesare under the control of the Dark Temple, she can only be forced to do things for the Dark Temple tosave her family's lives.”

Nathan snorted coldly. “One can't be loyal and filial piety at the same time, but is her blind devotionto her family really a good thing? Is she going to allow herself to be the sword of the Dark Temple,controlled and used by others for the rest of her life? Where is she now? Get her to see me now!”

"She killed Spencer, so the master of Dark Temple is furious. He has ordered her to return toEurope to be punished," replied Colin in a low voice.

Nathan frowned. "Doesn't the Dark Emperor hate the people of our nation?

Why is he so angry that Ava killed Spencer?"

"Rumor has it that Mr. Tucker has a close relationship with the master of the Dark Temple. I evenhazard a guess that Mr. Tucker might have secretly helped the Dark Temple and the eighteenmasters to successfully enter the North and attempt to assassinate you back then," Colinwhispered.

At this, the look on Nathan's face turned colder.

Boris had always wanted to remove him from the position of General of the North. He wanted to getKing of the North, Lucifer Leeroy, to take over.

It would not be surprising if the incident had something to do with Boris three years ago.

Seeing that Nathan said nothing, Colin didn't dare continue talking.

However, he toughened up and asked Nathan in a low voice, "General, Ava did reveal yourwhereabouts back then, but she was forced to do so. Now that she has been recalled by the DarkTemple, I think she will not be let off. Should we consider saving her?"

"She disappeared three years ago, but her name is still in the North Army. That makes her still amember of the North Army. Even if she made a mistake and needs to be tried and possibly killed, itshould be our job to carry out the punishment. Dark Temple has no right to lay a finger on one of ourmembers!" Nathan said coldly.

Then, Nathan went on to instruct Colin, "Gather the Elite Eight, and prepare to go to Europe withme. I'm gonna wipe out this so-called Dark Temple."

"Yes, Sir!"

After he spoke, Nathan turned to Penny. "Honey, you go back with Frida while I head to Europe. I'llcome back in a few days." "Hubby, will you be in danger?" Penny asked with a worried look on herface.

"Of course not. Dark Temple is nothing in front of me. Don't you believe in my abilities?" Nathancomforted her with a smile tugging at his lips.

Looking into Nathan's resolute and tenacious eyes, Penny couldn't help but say, "Of course Ibelieve in you."

"That's it then!” Nathan replied, smiling. "Don't worry. I'll be back in a few days. I also want to takeadvantage of my remaining vacation to make another baby with you, preferably a son."

When Penny heard his words, she blushed instantly.

The blush spread down her neck as she snapped jokingly, "Hey!”

Like an old monk in meditation, both Colin and Frida stared straight ahead, acting as if they had notheard the conversation between Nathan and Penny.

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