Salute To The General

Chapter 1525 I Will Finish Her
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Chapter 1525 I Will Finish Her

At that moment, Colin and Frida arrived.

Both of them yelled anxiously, "Boss, Ms. Smith, are you both alright?

Nathan replied, "There was an assassin but it's over now."

"Get the hotel to change our rooms."

"At once, sir!"

Immediately, the hotel moved Nathan and Penny to another suite.

After instructing Frida to protect Penny, Nathan and Colin went to the balcony.

Colin said, "General, I have informed the authorities in Japan about this and they will beinvestigating it."

Lighting up a cigarette and taking a puff, Nathan muttered, "Do you remember Ava?"

Colin was stunned when he heard the name. The next moment, his expression turned into one ofanger as he replied, "I remember. She and I were both trained by you. She was the captain of yourpersonal guards while I was the deputy."

"But she betrayed you by leaking intel to the enemy, causing you to be ambushed by the CoalitionArmy."

"Luckily, you were invincible and vanquished the enemy in the end."

"Ava that traitor! If I find out where she is, I will finish her!"

When Colin finished speaking, he suddenly realized something.

Staring at Nathan in surprise, he exclaimed, "General, why did you bring her up all of a sudden?Unless..."

Nathan nodded. "That's right. The assassin who infiltrated the hotel room was her."


Colin was both shocked and furious.

Nathan replied calmly, "But when she realized her target is me, she seemed to also be surprised asif she didn't know at first."

Puzzled, Colin inquired, "General, what do you mean?"

Nathan continued, "I have the feeling that when she betrayed me three years ago, there was moreto it than we know. Perhaps, she was in some kind of trouble of her own."

Colin questioned, "If that was the case, why did she disappear after the incident? Or why didn't sheapologize to you just now?"

Nathan replied, "That's what confuses me too!"

"Since she has appeared here, we can follow her tracks."

"Use all our networks to find out where she is. I want her to personally explain to me whathappened."

Colin acknowledged, "Yes, sir!"

At that moment, Ava had managed to drag her injured self some distance away.

It was four in the morning when the night was still at its darkest. She returned to a dilapidated housewhich served as her temporary base.

Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks as she saw a dark figure from afar. "Who is it?"

The next moment, a tall burly man emerged from the darkness. It was Spencer's bodyguard, Xyon.

Xyon squinted his eyes and responded, "It's me!"

When Ava saw Xyon, she frowned. "The mission failed. Tell your boss that I will return the fivehundred million to his account.”

Xyon nodded. "Alright!"

With that, he turned to leave and picked up his pace as he went.

Watching Xyon's back, Ava frowned


As Xyon was walking away, he spoke into a hidden mic attached to his collar, "Bulldog, go aheadand kill her now!"novelbin

In a blink of an eye, gunshots filled the air.

A barrage of bullets were sent in Ava's direction.

As Ava suspected that something was amiss given how hasty Xyon had left, she managed to act intime and sought cover behind a tree.

The bullets hit the spot where she had just been and splashed up the mud from the ground.

The tree where she was hiding behind was also covered with bullet holes.

Several intimidating men carrying UZI submachine guns were spraying bullets at her as theyapproached.

The man leading them was called Bulldog.

Gesturing for his men to stop, he narrowed

his eyes and said, "I wonder if she's dead yet?"

As they spread out and flanked the tree, they realized that there was no one behind it.

Where is she?

Bulldog as his men were stunned.

Rating the Translation Will Gain Two Pearls.

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