Salute To The General

Chapter 1511 The Tyrant Kanechi Kyou
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Chapter 1511 The Tyrant Kanechi Kyou

Colin Dunne looked at Kanechi Kyou in stupefaction and exclaimed, "You are Kanechi Kyou, thetyrant from the Kyou clan of Japan!"

Kanechi smiled devilishly, "Not bad, you know my name! Just because of this, I will restrain myselffrom disfiguring the bodies of both you and your little guy friend over there."

"As for the girls... they look quite pretty! I will take them as my wives!"

Penny and Frida both flinched at his vile comment.

Nathan furrowed his brows and glared at Kanechi Kyou, "Tell me. Who sent you here? Are you sentby the Imperial House of Japan, or by the Japanese military?"

Kanechi Kyou paused for a while at Nathan's question before he let out an evil cackle, "If you areable to endure three of my punches, then I will let you know.


Nathan curled his lips up into a smile,


It was a habit of Kanechi Kyou to just spit out a threat like that to intimidate his opponents. After all,he was well-known in the underground community in Japan for being a formidable fighter.

Just a punch from him would be able to kill an ox. All of the ace fighters in Japan regarded him withfear and respect.

He had never once come upon anyone who could receive three of his punches in ten years.

But now that Nathan had agreed to take him as an opponent, he was in total bewilderment.

Kanechi opened his eyes wide as if he were a traveler who had just set foot on new lands. Helooked at Nathan with enthusiasm burning in his pupils.

All of his men burst into laughter.

"Master, this rascal really has his mind set on taking three of your punches!"

"Is he just fearless because of his blissful ignorance? Maybe he has no knowledge of your title as atyrant!"

"Our Master can kill an ox just with a punch! You want to take three of his punches? I'm afraid youwill be squashed into a meatball, hahaha!”

Kanechi still had the evil smile plastered on his face when he asked, "Little fella, are you sure youcan take three of my punches?"

Nathan scoffed, "Is there a problem here?"

A murderous intent flashed across Kanechi's eyes as his evil grin widened into a crescent. "Nope.Be prepared to die."

Once he finished speaking, he rose ferociously from his chair and dashed towards Nathan. Hisdeadly aura could be sensed by everyone at the scene.

Kanechi's waist was broader than Nathan's as much as he was a head taller. He looked like a beastof steel on rampage, and just one punch from him could probably throw Nathan off his feet.

His strides were huge and with every step, the earth tremored a bit.

Penny's eyes gaped in horror.

Both Frida and Colin were also caught in trepidation. They had previously underestimated thestrength of the barbarian in front of them.

Nathan, however, had a nonchalant look on his face and he was as composed as ever, as if thisopponent was nothing to him.

"Here comes the first strike!"

Kanechi heaved and stepped forward while he hurled his big fist at Nathan. He was like a cannonon a pirate ship- heavy and ready to explode.

Nathan also lifted his hand and clenched his fingers into a fist.


Their fists collided with each other and let out a deafening sound.

Nathan did not budge at all.

Kanechi, on the other hand, retraced a few steps back.

His eyes were bulging like that of a bull as his face filled up with disbelief.

All of the men from the Kyou clan went down in a hush as they stared at Nathan with their eyespeeled.

This little fella Nathan was able to endure one of Master's fists?

Nathan smiled politely, "It was so-so."

Kanechi finally blew his top.

A rumble came from beneath his feet as the ground shattered under him.

This time, he was the cannonball itself. He launched himself at Nathan with his fist ready to punch,and roared out in rage, "Here comes the second punch!"

Again, Nathan countered the attack with his own fist!


Their fists crashed into each other once again and let out a huge boom.

Nathan was an unmovable mountain. He stood motionless as he received the second blow.

Kanechi had to fall back for a few meters before he could regain his stability.

Nathan uttered dismissively, "You still want to continue?"

Kanechi was not only in rage now but also taken aback by how tough Nathan was. He began tothink that Nathan's strength was not below that of his at all.

Nevertheless, there was absolutely no way he would cower in front of all of his men.

He picked himself up and roared, "Again!"

He took a deep breath and started to gather all his energy. His face turned red before his body alsoglowed in a red light like a piece of sword in making at the blacksmith's. It was a terrifying scene tobehold.

Even the air around him seemed to be twisting as a strong wave of hostility radiated from his bodyand began to intimidate everyone around the area.

Frida's expression took a big turn. "What the hell is this?!"

Colin's face was stone cold as he solemnly said, "It must be the legendary Tyrant's Body. It's anancient technique that has already been forgotten by even the greatest martial arts masters in ournation. Legend has it that one who possesses this skill will be impenetrable by spears and bullets,and it will drastically raise one's ability to explode into action."

"I have only heard of it from rumors but tonight, we are finally going to witness it."

Nathan glanced at Kanechi who had engaged his Tyrant's Body and curled his lips into an arc. "Nowonder you can earn yourself so much fame in Japan, where all the martial arts masters thrive.Your Tyrant's Body must have been a lot of help, eh?"

Kanechi had already reached his maximum capacity as the energy started to overflow out from hisbody.

He bellowed, "Time for you to take a Tyrant's punch from me! Go to hell!”

His words were still hanging in the air when he flew towards Nathan at top speed like a shootingstar. A wicked wind was bellowing around his left fist as he directed it at Nathan's face.novelbin

Everyone in the Kyou clan started to cheer.

No one would be surprised if Kanechi could blow a rock into bits with that Tyrant's punch. It wassimply too terrifying.

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