Salute To The General

Chapter 1461 Who Said I Dare Not Come
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Chapter 1461 Who Said I Dare Not Come

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

The third day was the deadline Nathan had set for the Harbors to make a decision. It was also theday which Quince was expecting Nathan's arrival at the Harbors' family home.

Quince's family, friends, proteges and subordinates had all gathered at the Harbors' family home.

There were at least tens of thousands of them!

If Quince's opponent today were not Nathan, the Commoner King would probably see even moresupporters present. There were still many people who did not want to be involved in this mess.

"Teddy Jacobsen, kingpin of Mayberry's underworld, has arrived!"

"Jonah Huff, kingpin of Horton's underworld, has arrived!"

"Harris Lambert, the underground overlord of the East, has arrived!"

The heavy hitters continued streaming in.

After those big shots arrived, the first thing they did was to respectfully greet Quince, the CommonerKing, who was seated on his throne in the living room. They then took their respective seats, whichhad been allocated to them depending on their various statuses.

Douglas leaned in closer and whispered to Quince, "Dad, all our guests have almost arrived."

Quince narrowed his eyes and nodded. "Ok!"

He then stood up and took two steps forward while the guests looked on.

After scanning across the room, Quince said solemnly, "As you all know, I have long retired into themountains. However, unexpectedly, there's someone who kept oppressing my Harbor family. Notonly did he kill my son, maimed my grandson, but he had also even threatened to wipe out theentire Harbor family. What do you all suggest I do with him?" "Fight!" Someone in the crowd yelledout. The rest of the tens of thousands of people followed.



Soon after, the united voices of the guests were so loud even the ground shook beneath their feet.The atmosphere turned heavy and murderous.

Quince couldn't help but feel pleased when he saw those big shots from all walks of life who hadgathered just to support him, all fired up.

He raised both hands to quieten the crowd.

When the crowd calmed down, Quince spoke composedly, "Nathan Cross has to give us a properexplanation. Otherwise, we will still fight him till the very end, even if he's the General of the North. Iwould also like to assure everyone that I've already sought Mr. Tucker's cooperation on this. NathanCross will not be able to mobilize the troops from the East military districts, they will not interferewith our feud. As for the troops from the North military district, they have not yet gotten permissionto enter the East. So, today will purely be the settlement of the personal feud between the Harborfamily and Nathan Cross. There won't be any external forces interfering. There's no need foranyone to worry about that."

Everyone felt a sense of relief after getting Quince's reassurance and started expressing their viewsloudly.

"Nathan Cross must apologize and provide a satisfactory explanation for his actions!"

"Yes! Otherwise, we will fight him till the end. That fella is absolutely nothing without the army'ssupport."

"That's right, Mayberry is our territory. No matter how powerful he is elsewhere, he's just a nobodyhere."

Quince puffed up with pride at the intimidating fighting spirit of his supporters.

He knew that no matter how formidable Nathan was, he was still fully capable of set against thatman, with the advantage of being in his own territory.

"Is Nathan Cross here yet?" Quince asked as his two subordinates flanked him.

"No sign of him yet!" Tyrant's Blade replied.

Wild Sword also sneered, "Sir, you've already informed Mr. Tucker about the situation. Moreover,Commander Windsor of our Mayberry military district has also stated that Nathan Cross wouldn't beallowed to mobilize the soldiers. Nathan probably likely realized he can't beat our formidable forceswithout his North Army. Without the East military helping him, he will be unable to find any otherallies. I bet he's having cold feet."

Quince and everyone else present couldn't help but laugh at what Wild Sword said.

Just as everyone had assumed that Nathan was having cold feet, a cold voice sounded fromoutside, "Who said I dare not come?"

The voice was so deep and powerful that it resonated across the room.novelbin

Then, with everyone staring in astonishment, a tall and strong-built man with eyes shining like starsstrolled in with a few of his subordinates.

It was Nathan Cross, General of the North and the God of War.

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