Salute To The General

Chapter 1454 I Cannot Forgive Myself If I Do Not Kill Nathan...
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Chapter 1454 I Cannot Forgive Myself If I Do Not Kill Nathan...

Nathan had already begun to dodge right at the moment before Blaine pulled the trigger.


With the sound of a gunshot, Blaine's bullet broke the car window but didn't end up hitting Nathan.

Meanwhile, Colin, who was seated inside the Hongqi, had whipped out his gun and fired a shot atBlaine when the latter missed.


Colin's bullet zoomed over and hit Blaine directly between his brows.

Blood flowed down Blaine's face as he died an instant death.

Nathan frowned slightly and turned to reproach Colin. "Who told you to fire? His skills and speedwouldn't have hurt me at all."

Colin dared not speak, but deep down, he regretted nothing.

Anyone who dared aim a gun at the General was a threat no matter what.

For the sake of ensuring the General's safety, Colin would always prioritize killing the opponent nomatter what.

Nathan opened the door and took a look at the dead man. He didn't know who Blaine was.

Then, he waved at Colin and instructed, "Report this to the relevant authorities and have them takecare of it. Check this guy's identity too."

"Yes, Sir!"

Nathan got back into the Hongqi and personally drove away with Wendy.

They arrived at Wendy's residence half an hour later.

Colin's phone call came at this time.

Tve found out who the guy I shot was, General. He's actually Blaine Harbor, an important memberof the Harbor family. The Harbors are currently led by their Matriarch. Her eldest son is Noel, andthis man is her second son."

Not the Harbors again.

Nathan's brows furrowed. "Looks like the Harbors haven't learned their lesson. I've put them in theirplace so many times, but they seem to have a goldfish memory.”

"We can't leave things as they are now, General. They actually publicly sent their men toassassinate you. We should tell the authorities about this and make sure the Harbors get punished!"

"The Harbors will never admit to it. They'll just shift all the blame on this dead man and say it washis doing. They'll play dumb," Nathan replied calmly. "Besides, I've been ordered by the President tocome to Mayberry and investigate Boris Tucker. Boris is an in-law of the Harbor family. He'll bealarmed and realize something's up if I do anything to the Harbors."

"Then what should we do? We can't just let them off like this, can we?"

"How about this-send Blaine's body back to the Harbors as a warning. I believe they'll realize whatthey've done wrong and stop trying to cause trouble. We should focus on investigating Boris fornow. As for the Harbors, we can deal with them when we have the time.”

"Yes, Sir!” Colin answered immediately.

Blaine's corpse was quickly sent to the Harbor family home.

It was the darkest hour before dawn.

Yet, the Harbor family home was brightly lit.

Inside the courtyard was a wooden board with Blaine's body lying on it.

The Harbor Matriarch, Noel, Layla and the other members of the family stood around Blaine'scorpse. They were shocked, furious, and afraid, but abnormally furious for the most part.novelbin

The Matriarch especially trembled with grief and anger as she gazed at her own son's body.

"Nathan's the one who got someone to send Blaine's body over," said Noel, infuriated. "Hementioned that if there's ever a next time, the entire Harbor family will be wiped out."

Seeing her son die before her was too much for the Matriarch to handle. She was now so workedup to the point of insanity.

Her ability to reason had been completely taken over by hatred and rage.

"I'll never forgive myself if I don't kill Nathan Cross!" she declared. "Men! Get my car ready. I have tosee that person. I want him to avenge Blaine."

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