Salute To The General

Chapter 1443 Do You Know Who He Is
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Chapter 1443 Do You Know Who He Is

Cassandra, Robinson, and the others inhaled sharply.

It was not because they were frightened, but they were shocked that Nathan was so brazen with hisbragging.

Cassandra sneered at Nathan.

Wendy felt weak. Naturally, she knew that Christopher Windsor was a Lieutenant General, thehighest-ranking officer in Mayberry.

It's bad enough that a lieutenant colonel like Nathan went against a senior colonel like Robinson.Now, he even boasted about Lieutenant General Windsor! This is bad!

Wendy took a step forward and apologized, "I'm so sorry, my nephew was just joking..."

Cassandra scorned, "So you're making a joke out of the military? It's one thing to brag, but if youbring Lieutenant General Windsor into the picture, you must be tired of living."

Robinson waved impatiently, "Men, round him up and lock him up!"novelbin

Obeying commands was one of the most basic rules in the military. When the soldiers heard that,they had no choice but to act upon orders.

Wendy and the others panicked.

Meanwhile, Nathan remained calm and smirked.

Colin blocked their way as soon as the soldiers approached Nathan.

Colin yelled, "Who dares to touch this man? Do you know who he is?"

The soldiers were stunned. They looked at Nathan, then at Robinson.

Robinson scoffed, "Whoever he is, we'll lock him up for a couple of days before deciding how todeal with him."

The soldiers then proceeded to arrest him.

Colin yelled, "Halt! This man is the commander-in-chief of three hundred thousand men in theNorth, General Nathan Cross! Who dares to arrest him?"

What? Commander-in-chief of the North, General Nathan Cross?

Robinson and the others inhaled sharply and stared at Nathan in shock.

Some of the soldiers even started looking at him excitedly.

The General of the North was the God of War, a figure respected by many soldiers. It was anunbelievable honor to interact with him!

When Robinson heard that Nathan was a general, he was shocked as well.

However, he took a look at the young Nathan and concluded that he had to be lying.

Although he had never seen the actual general before, he knew that it was difficult to be a generalat such a young age.

Progression in military rank was tough.

It was a rare case to be a Captain by thirty, and becoming a major-general by thirty happened oncein a million years.

A general was of a higher rank than a major-general, and Robinson felt that it would be anaccomplishment to reach that rank even at the age of fifty.

He would never believe that a man in his twenties was the General of the

North. This man must be a sham. After all, if the General of the North really came to Mayberry, wewould've been notified and welcomed him with a parade. How could I not have known?Furthermore, he would definitely be traveling with a battalion or two, or perhaps a guard of honor!

Robinson then concluded that Nathan could not be a general.

He smirked, Tve seen many scammers, some of which even tried to scam me on my phone.However, none of them knew my identity. You're the first man who dared to scam me despiteknowing that I'm a senior colonel and in a military base to boot!"

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