Salute To The General

Chapter 1425 Time Is Of The Essence
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Chapter 1425 Time Is Of The Essence

Not daring to waste any more time, Noel immediately contacted the mayor of Channing, RussellCrow, and requested some police assistance.

After that, he called the Commander-in-chief of the Channing Military District, Franklin Wilson, toask for a battalion of soldiers.

Oblivious to the grudge going on between Noel and Nathan, Russell and Franklin did not hesitate inagreeing. They never thought that Noel would be using their men to go up against Nathan.

In less than half an hour, the police captain, Zed Walker, appeared at Draco Hotel with two hundredof his best men.

At nearly the same time, the Captain of National Guards, Callan Stone, arrived with three hundredsoldiers.

The police and military combined would make five hundred men, with close to a hundred vehicles totransport them.

Passers-by could not help gaping at the majestic scene this presented as they wondered whichimportant figure had arrived.

Noel shook hands with Zed and Callan, stating, "Thank you both for coming over to help me whenyou're so busy. Please convey my deepest gratitude to Mayor Crow and Major-General Wilson."

Smiling, Zed answered, "You're too polite, Mr. Harbor. Mr. Mayor wants me to express his apologiesfor not coming to personally greet you. He has a meeting, you see.”

Noel chuckled and replied, "Hahaha. That's all right. It's the thought that counts. Rest assured theHarbor family will remember this."

At the same time, Callan chose that moment to speak up, "Mr. Harbor, might I ask what we can helpyou with? With both the police and the military here, this is quite the turnout you have."

"One of the Harbor family's enemies is holding the president of the Elite Club and his friendshostage." Noel explained gravely, "Mr. Bright and the other young masters from various influentialfamilies in Mayberry are currently being tortured as we speak! I requested for your aid so that wemay rescue those young men and punish those vile criminals."

Zed and Callan had surprised expressions on their faces.

Never would they have thought that such bold criminals would exist in Channing. It took someserious guts to abduct the president of the Elite Club and make an enemy out of the Harbors.

They were just about to ask who these criminals were when Noel spoke up again, "Quickly, time isof the essence! We need to go rescue Mr. Bright and the rest now!"

Indeed, time was of the essence! With five hundred men, all fully-armed, there was no way theywould be unable to capture whoever the criminals were.

Noel then quickly told them the address, saying the criminals were at No. 86 North-

South Avenue.

With that, Noel led his men while Zed and Callan took charge of their own, charging toward North-South Avenue as fast as they could.

Upon arriving, Zed ordered his men to lock down the entire North-South Avenue while Callaninstructed his men to head for No. 86 and surround it.

"Chief, we've locked down the entire North-South Avenue.”

"Lieutenant colonel, sir, our men have already surrounded No. 86."

Zed and Callan nodded to their men respectively before turning to Noel, who had just exited a Rolls-Royce. "Mr. Harbor, our men are in place. Let's go in!"

A triumphant and satisfied smile curled Noel's lips. "Yes, let's!"

Inwardly, he laughed coldly as he thought. Nathan Cross, Thomas Dunn, you two dare to go upagainst me? You're


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