Salute To The General

Chapter 1422 You Scared My Daughter
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Chapter 1422 You Scared My Daughter

Mitchell shot Nathan a smug smile, asking, "So what will you choose?"

The moment Queenie started wailing, Nathan's face darkened.

He finally raised his head to look at Mitchell with icy eyes. "You scared my daughter!"


Mitchell and his men were dumbfounded at his words.

You're soon to be a dead man, yet your only concern is for your daughter?

Shouldn't you be begging for mercy or coming with us obediently? How dare you accuse us ofscaring your daughter!

Infuriated at how Nathan did not seem to betaking him seriously, Mitchell narrowed his eyes andscoffed. "Since you don't seem to appreciate my kindness in letting you choose, let me decide foryou! Scorpion!"

Scorpion intoned, "At your service, Sir!" Mitchell commanded icily, "I don't want to see him in onepiece, but we can't let him die since Mr. Harbor still wants to personally torture him. Break all hislimbs instead!"

"Understood!" Scorpion answered with a cruel smile.

With that said, he stalked toward Nathan menacingly while the Smiths watched on in horror.

Colin, the Elite Eight, and Frida wanted to stop the thug, but Nathan gestured for them to stay back.

He smiled at his sobbing daughter and cooed, "Queenie, you wanna see Papa beat up a monster?"

The little girl snuck a glance at the ugly faces of the Four Guardians before nodding her headvehemently. "Papa, I'm scared! He's coming!”

"Don't be afraid, darling. Papa will beat them up for making you cry, okay?" Nathan reassured.

That said, he stood up and headed for Scorpion.

The Smiths grew tense, while little Queenie even clenched her tiny fists as she watched her father.

Mitchell and the rest of the Elite Club members were chortling as they waited to see Nathan get hisass kicked by Roc.

One of them even took out his phone to take a video, intending on sending it to the hospitalized Fipto enjoy.

At first, Scorpion was surprised that Nathan would dare approach him. After that, he grinnedsinisterly. "Punk, you're probably the most suicidal man I've ever seen. Now, scream for me!"

The words had barely left his lips when he dashed toward Nathan in a blur.

His speed had Mitchell and the rest cheering, "Amazing!"

However, their excitement were shortlived.

Nathan lifted his leg and lashed out at Scorpion's head.


His kick was spot on, landing on the massive head.

All of Scorpion's facial bones shattered, and his eyes rolled up. He did not even get a chance toscream before he collapsed to the floor with an earth-shaking thud. In a short while, he was dead.

What the f***?

Mitchell's eyes bugged out of his head as he gaped at Nathan in disbelief.

Nathan had actually killed Scorpion in one blow!

The Elite Club members also looked dumbstruck as their eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.

By contrast, the Smith family let out a long sigh of relief.

Their earlier worries vanished, replaced by admiration and hero-worship as they stared at Nathan.

Sean could not help thinking to himself, Hah! As expected of my grandson-in-law and the Ares ofthe North! You clowns dare to cause trouble in my house? That's a death sentence for you!

At that moment, Queenie had stopped crying and was currently clapping her hands as sheexclaimed, "Papa, you're so awesome!”

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