Salute To The General

Chapter 1411 I Heard That You Have Powerful Connections
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Chapter 1411 I Heard That You Have Powerful Connections

Liam Dylan and his subordinates looked at Nathan Cross with horrified expressions.

The mayor is really here with his own tea leaves!

The mayor and other leaders address Nathan Cross as 'commanding officer' ?!

What the hell is going on?

Who is this young man?

Liam stared at Nathan fearfully as he tried to guess his identity.

Nathan looked coldly at Cory and the others. "Cory Hunt, do you know the reason I summon youhere?”

The mayor shifted uneasily as he knew that he might be in trouble the moment the commandingofficer invited him for tea, and he guessed that it might be related to the thugs at the tourist spot.However, he only managed to answer cowardly, "I'm afraid I don't know, sir!"

Kenny Leeford and Adam Gully couldn't hide the fear on their faces either, and especially thetrembling Gary Lambert, who looked like a kid who was caught red-handed and summoned to theheadmaster's office. His usual imposing manner as a mogul seemed to have disappeared in front ofNathan.

"How about you guys? Do you know why I summoned you here?" Nathan scanned the peoplearound him indifferently.

When Kenny and Adam shook their heads in response, Nathan turned to Gary.

Gary's already trembling body shook even harder when he felt Nathan's stare at him. He wanted todeny that he knew anything, but Nathan's authority scared him so much that he had no choice butto reply, "Yes, I think I know, General."

Gary roughly knew that his employees tried to swindle the general's family as Liam messaged himabout what had happened just now.


Upon hearing his boss addressing Nathan as 'general', Liam's eyes bulged, and he felt as if he wasshot right through his heart.

His mind went completely blank. Heavens! This young man is the commander-in-chief of the threehundred thousand soldiers in the North Army-the God of War who had killed countless renownedfighters from different nations!

Feeling dizzy, Liam almost passed out on the spot.

Every tourist around them watched in shock as they did not expect Nathan Cross to be thelegendary General of the North, the God of War.

Shortly after, the crowd stared at Nathan Cross fanatically and admiringly.

Oh my gosh! He's a general, the God of War of our nation! We are so lucky to be able to see him insuch a short distance!

Glaring at the trembling Gary Lambert, Nathan asked coldly, "Since you know about it, explain it tome. What is going


Gary stuttered anxiously, "This... This is a misunderstanding..."

Nathan's expression darkened. "A misunderstanding? Are you saying that your employees aredoing the right thing by swindling the money of the tourists through taking photos?"

"No, that's not... that's not what I mean." Gary stammered.

"I thought you are the haughty T-Rex of Bossania City? Why are you trembling and stuttering like alittle kid now?"

Frightened, Gary almost peed his pants when he heard the nasty remark.

He felt a strong urge to kill the pale Liam on the spot, but all he could manage to do was glare athim hatefully.

At that moment, Gary summoned up the courage to reply Nathan, "General, my employees areindeed the ones at fault. It's completely wrong to charge the tourists an

unreasonable amount of money for photos. I'll correct this behavior immediately!"

Nathan scoffed coldly, "I heard that you have powerful connections in the city. Isn't the Minister ofTourism a friend of yours?"

"If I'm not the one that stumbles into your men's little trick today, or if I'm not the General of theNorth, you and your men will have already beaten me to death, isn't it?"

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