Salute To The General

Chapter 1406 We Will Not Let General Down
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Chapter 1406 We Will Not Let General Down

By now, the subordinates of the Leeroy family realized that they had been surrounded.

Lucifer's death meant they had also lost their commander. Hence, they chose to put down theirweapons and surrender.

Destroyer's troops soon arrested every one of them.

In the meantime, Destroyer brought along some of his men to salute Nathan. He greeted hissuperior enthusiastically, "General, welcome back to the North!"

Nathan responded, "My holiday hasn't ended yet. I returned to the North this time because thePresident instructed me to investigate Wyatt Windsor's death.

Therefore, Heptakill, Fang, and you are still in charge of protecting this region."

Destroyer grinned, "We will not let you down, Sir."

After that, he asked Nathan politely, "General, since Lucifer Leeroy is dead, what should we do withhis men who we've arrested?”

Nathan knew the President would certainly not let Lucifer live because he killed Wyatt Windsor.

By killing Lucifer, Nathan had successfully completed the President's mission for him. It also meantthat Lucifer had been spared the torture that he would be subjected to if he were arrested alive.

Therefore, to die in a battle was considered a satisfactory ending for Lucifer.

Nathan instructed his subordinates, "Detain them for the time being! After that, Destroyer, Colin, andPatrick will come with me to meet Sky. I want to get the names of the people behind WyattWindsor's murder, so I can arrest everyone involved in the evil plot."

Destroyer and the rest replied in unison, "Yes, General!"

Soon, Nathan summoned Sky to meet him.

Since Lucifer was dead, Sky was all the more determined to given Nathan a detailed list of namesand every secret he knew.

Nathan was actually shocked by the information Sky revealed.

Initially, Nathan thought that it was just a factional struggle within the North Army. After listening toSky, he realized that the situation was actually far more complicated than he had imagined.

The masterminds behind Lucifer Leeroy either lived in Brimmopolis or enjoyed immense power inthe army.

One of them was Boris Tucker, a member of the Great Cabinet and the most popular presidentialcandidate.

Given that the Great Cabinet Members were involved, this issue was not something that Nathanalone could handle.

After thinking for a while, Nathan instructed his men, "Keep all name lists and secrets strictlyconfidential; do not reveal anything to anyone. I'll report my findings to the President for him todecide the next action."

Soon, Nathan called President Hansel Windsor to report the entire issue to him in detail.

After listening to Nathan's report, Hansel fell silent for quite a long time.

Nathan could roughly hear Hansel breathing over the phone, even though Hansel didn't utter aword.

As a matter of fact, Hansel was known to be composed and decisive.

This time, however, he was actually lost in thought for quite a long time. Finally, he said, "Nathan!"

Nathan replied, "I'm here!"novelbin

Hansel instructed calmly, "Since you found out that Lucifer killed Wyatt, your investigation can stophere. Don't dig into it anymore."

Nathan replied, "Understood!"

Nathan actually was not surprised by this outcome.

After all, this issue was implicated and involved Boris Tucker and many prominent figures. If hecontinued to investigate it, the matter would snowball and have far-reaching adverse effects!

Just as Nathan was thinking that Hansel wanted to let the matter go, Hansel suddenly saidsomething strange, "Nathan, I suppose you're still on your holiday?"

Nathan was stunned by Hansel's question. Why would the President say that? Did I do somethingwrong? Does he intend to strip me of the title of the General of the North?

Nathan replied with a hint of concern in his voice, "I have two more months!"

Given that Nathan had taken several years' worth of leave at one go, he still had two months left.

Hansel replied, "I see. Well, you've sacrificed a lot all these years. Do spend more time with yourfamily since you're on holiday. I'd suggest you visit Mayberry in the East for their nice scenery. Iwish you a fruitful journey."

Nathan frowned a little upon hearing the president's words of advice.

I'm sure that the President is asking me to visit Mayberry for a reason. And the fact that he justwished me a fruitful journey is intriguing. What is he hinting at?

After a while, a thought suddenly flashed through Nathan's mind. If I'm not mistaken, Boris Tuckerlives in Mayberry and is the leader of its faction.

Now, Nathan realized that the President wanted him to investigate it secretly even though he hadjust told him to put the matter to rest.

Without hesitation, Nathan replied calmly, "Understood. I'll visit Mayberry as you suggest, Sir.”

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