Salute To The General

Chapter 1370 They Must Apologize For Their Actions
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Chapter 1370 They Must Apologize For Their Actions

As they stepped into the house, Maurice saw his daughter buried her head in her knees as shesobbed uncontrollably, and his wife was busy consoling her.novelbin

He was utterly shocked. "What happened?"

Candice looked up, greeted Maurice with tears in her eyes, and threw herself into his arms.

Maurice asked, "Candice, what happened? Why are you crying?"

However, Candice only sniffled in response.

Maurice's wife, Hera, answered his question for her, "The Lillard family is bullying us. Candice isabout to get married soon, but they dumped her and canceled the wedding. They also told us thatour daughter wasn't worthy of marrying their son!"

Maurice gaped in shock and rage. "What? How dare Keller treat my daughter this way! Theyshould've told us if they didn't want the marriage in the first place! Why did they wait until thewedding was about to be held? Imagine the humiliation Candice felt!"

Hera replied, "I heard that the Lillard family proclaimed themselves as a powerful family after theyreceived a gift from the General, so they weren't willing to accept a poor lady like Candice. Besidesthat, Keller had already gotten engaged to Linda Lone from the Lone family, and they are due to getmarried in three days."

Maurice yelled angrily, "What did you just say? The Lillard family canceled the wedding and gotengaged to the Lone family immediately after that?”

Hera sighed. "The Lone family is a prominent family in Bossania, so how can a poor family like usever compare to them? The Lillard family received the General's gift, so they're acting all high andmighty and they completely look down on us now."

Maurice yelled angrily, "This is outright bullying! I'm gonna go and reason with them."

However, Candice immediately stopped Maurice and cried, "Dad, don't go. They're rich andpowerful, and they'll definitely beat you up if you went to reason with them. At least I now know whatkind of person Keller is, so I'd rather not marry him."

Nathan was silent throughout the whole exchange. He gave the Lillard family the gift becauseCandice was about to marry into their family, but he never expected the Lillard family to be soignorant and cruel.

His expression darkened as he muttered coldly, "Judging by the Lillard family's actions, they reallydon't deserve Candice. You can forget about the wedding, but they must apologize for mistreatingCandice like this."

Maurice immediately responded loudly, "That's right! Nathan's absolutely correct. They mustapologize for their wrongdoing."

Hera and Candice only realized Nathan was there with them then, so they broke into a bitter smile.

Hera asked, "The Lillard family is rich and powerful, so how can we make them apologize? Besidesthat, they are about to tie ties with the Lone family, and judging by how wealthy they are, the Lonefamily can easily destroy us with just a flick of a finger."

Candice turned paper white as she suggested, "Dad, maybe we should just give this up!"

Upon hearing that, Maurice hesitated.

However, Nathan reassured them, "No can do. They must apologize for their mistakes. Not only dothey need to come personally to apologize, but the Lone family also has to kneel down with theLillard family too for agreeing to the marriage when they knew about Keller's engagement with youbeforehand!"

Candice, Maurice, and Hera were all shocked when they heard that.

Isn't this whole idea kinda ridiculous?

After all, the Lone family is extremely

powerful, and the Lillard family is probably supported by the General of the North even thoughthey're a middle-class family.

Is it really possible to ask them to get down on their knees and apologize to us?

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