Salute To The General

Chapter 1366 How Dare You Ask Me To Kneel
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Chapter 1366 How Dare You Ask Me To Kneel

The Langer Family from Bossania City!

Fearful expressions flashed across the faces of everybody else on the boat.

The Langers was part of the higher class in Bossania City. In the eyes of the commoners, this familywas so powerful that it could control their life and death.

If the Langers were to kill someone out in the streets of Bossania City, it would be as though theyhad killed a dog. They would have faced absolutely no legal implications whatsoever.

This was how powerful the Langers were in Bossania City.

A fearful expression flashed across Maurice's face too as he hastily came forward to explain, "Mr.Langer, my friend here had no intentions of offending you. We will compensate you for all medicalexpenses incurred by your men and dog...”

But even before he could finish, Joe snapped, "Compensate?"

"My dog is worth a hundred thousand. And you've completely disfigured him by kicking his nose."

"Couple with the medical expenses of my men, how are two peasants like the both of you able tocough up that kind of money?"

Joe's girlfriend drawled, "Well, they still have to pay for what they've done. And they have toapologize to our dog on their knees.”

Upon hearing this, Joe nodded and ordered Nathan and Maurice condescendingly, "That's right.We'll talk about the compensation later."

"Now, I want the both of you to apologize to my dog on your knees!"

Everybody immediately cast Nathan and Maurice sympathetic looks.

Judging by how they were dressed, both of them weren't exactly rolling in money.

How sad it was to think that a poor man's dignity wasn't even as important as that of a dog thatbelonged to a rich man.

Maurice had a stormy look on his face as well. He might have been poor, but that didn't mean thathe would allow himself to be trampled all over upon. Furthermore, his dignity meant everything tohim.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have donated all of the money the military had compensated him.

He would rather die than go on his knees.

However, Nathan replied, "That sounds reasonable.”

Upon hearing this, Maurice's eyes widened with shock as he stared at him in disbelief. "Nathan...”

Joe, Jade, and their bodyguards, on the other hand, smiled smugly.

This was how powerful the Langers were. The moment Joe revealed the fact that he belonged tothe Langers Family, Nathan, who had previously defeated many of

Joe's bodyguards, immediately agreed to apologize on his knees.

With a haughty expression on his face, Joe smirked, "Well, what are the both of you waiting for?"

"I think you have misunderstood what I said," Nathan replied calmly, "I said that an apology soundsreasonable, but I certainly wasn't referring to us. What I meant was that I might consider sparingyou scum if you apologized to Mr. Holland on your knees."novelbin


Joe was flabbergasted!

So was Jade and the bodyguards!

The other passengers on board were equally astonished as well!

Even Maurice looked at Nathan with an astounded expression on his face. So Nathan had actuallybeen referring to Joe and his men! he out of his mind?

Upon coming to his senses, Joe was as furious as he was shocked.

Nathan clearly knew that he belonged to the Langer family. Yet, Nathan had no qualms aboutdemanding him to go on his knees to apologize.

What a reckless punk!

"You want me to kneel down?" Joe scoffed, "Do you really have the guts to do that?"

"You can forget about leaving Bossania City alive if you offend the Langer Family."

"The Langer Family means nothing to me," Nathan snorted, "Since you guys are unwilling to kneeldown, I'll get some people to help you guys."

Nathan then proceeded to call forth Colin and the Elite Eight.

After they appeared, they immediately leaped menacingly towards Joe and


Only then did Joe and company realize that Nathan had brought along some people of his own.

They certainly were no match for Colin and the Elite Eight. In the blink of an eye, every one of themhad been slapped twice in the face and were left in a daze.

Thump! Thump!

After getting kicked in their calves, the whole group of them grunted heavily as they went crashingdown on their knees.

Maurice and the other tourists were dumbstruck. There's actually someone who has the guts toteach Mr. Langer a lesson in Bossania City?

Gazing at the anguished and sullen faces of Joe and company, Nathan said coldly, "We have aboutthree more hours before we reach Bossania City. If anybody dares to stand up before we arrive, heor she can forget about walking down the gangway.”

Completely drenched in blood, Joe was so furious that his entire body had started shaking.Gnashing his teeth together, there was only one thought racing through his mind right now. Howdare you lot treat me like this? All of you are going to die once we reach Bossania City!

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