Salute To The General

Chapter 1346 Who Is The Mastermind
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Chapter 1346 Who Is The Mastermind

In the study room of the Royal Palace in Brimmopolis.

Once again, Camilla Quinn knocked on the door of his husband's study and entered the room. Shenoticed that the porridge and the side dish she brought in earlier was left untouched.

Hansel Windsor had his eyes shut and his back leaning against the chair; it was unknown whetherhe was sleeping or just having a shut-eye.

Camilla Quinn picked up the cape next to him and draped it over him.

All of a sudden, Hansel opened his eyes and Camilla was taken aback.

Camilla patted her chest and said, "I thought you were asleep! Why didn't you eat any of myporridge? Do you think you'll be able to go on like this for long?"

Hansel talked in his own pace, "I'm fine!”

Camilla was concerned about her husband's wellbeing, "You're not the only one who is affected bywhat happened to our son. What use is there by locking yourself up in this place?"

Hansel muttered calmly, "I am waiting.”

His answer piqued Camilla curiosity and she asked, "What are you waiting for?"

Hansel did not say a word.

Camilla knew his silence meant that he wasn't going to reveal to her whatever he was waiting for, soshe kept her inquiries to herself.

Instead of questioning her husband, Camilla said to him, "Greene took Nathan in earlier in theevening. He had also listed Nathan as the prime suspect. My guess is that he was unable to find out

anything about the culprit and has resorted to make Nathan the scapegoat."

Hansel merely kept his silence upon hearing that.

Camilla continued, "Nathan asked someone to leave me a message. He

wants me to tell you something.”

Hansel was nonchalant, "He sure has many useful connections, I can't believe he's still able to sendyou a message even after getting detained by Kenneth."

Camilla furrowed her brows slightly, "Nathan is the disciple you are most proud of. I have faith thathe is not the one who has killed our son."

Hansel asked calmly, "What did he say?"

Camilla answered, "Nathan wanted to tell you that, whoever that recommends a candidate for thetitle of General of the North is the person who has harmed our son."

Hansel widened his eyes at her wife's words. For the first time in forever, shock was apparent on hisface.

A moment later, he slowly parted his lips, "Nathan had come up with the same theory I had aboutour son."

Camilla exclaimed, "What?'

Hansel's face sunk, "Wyatt's disappeared, and Greene wasn't able to find any leads on his case.This could only mean that the perpetrators must have made a lot of preparations in advance, andthey definitely have a lot of influence and power. If not, they wouldn't have gotten everything doneunnoticed."

"I have pondered over it for a long time and I concluded that the perpetrator isn't after me."

"I have only two years left before I leave the office, so it can't be me."

"Even if my enemies want revenge on me, they can always wait until I leave the office to make theirmove since I'll be powerless then. They have no reason to do it within this two years."

Camilla continued hurriedly, "So they're not aiming for us when they came for our son, but ratherthey're aiming for something else or perhaps, someone else.”

Hansel said, "Yes, you're right. If I am not wrong, they have their eyes on the position of the Generalof the North. They wanted me to take Nathan out so they could arrange for someone to take hisplace.”novelbin

Camilla gaped, "Nathan had guessed it too!”

"So that's the reason Nathan had wanted to tell you that whoever that recommends a candidate forthe General of the North is the mastermind."

Hansel Windsor nodded solemnly, "Yes, and that is the reason why I'm waiting here."

"Nathan is the General of the North. Once he's captured by the Secret Service, the mastermind willsoon come to me to convince me that the North army cannot be left without a leader in charge ofthem, and that I should assign the position to someone new."

Camilla uttered with vileness, "Whoever that gives you that suggestion is the mastermind.”

Hansel replied, "Exactly. I think in a few days' time, the mastermind will show themselves to me likethe fool that they are."

Camilla followed up with a few questions, "Then what about Nathan? How do we deal with him?Shouldn't we let him go since he's innocent?"

Hansel responded, "Although he did not kill my son, my son is dead because of him.

Just lock him up for a while."

"We will release him once the mastermind show themselves."

"I don't want my son to die without a closure. The person who killed my son must pay the price."

"I don't like killing, but Nathan was born in the battlefield. So he shall be my sword."

"I have decided to burden him with the task of avenging our son."

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