Salute To The General

Chapter 1338 The General Is A Ruthless Killer
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Chapter 1338 The General Is A Ruthless Killer


Andy and Fion turned pale in the face immediately.

"Nathan Cross! Don't you dare threaten us! We're from the nobility!” Andy yelled. "Don't listen tohim, Fion!"

Nathan snickered. "I have killed countless lives when I was in the North, including some membersof the Jordan family. I won't hesitate to kill either of you."

That statement made Andy and Fion turn even paler.

Nathan took a puff of his cigarette as he glared at the two of them. "I've said enough. Time for youto decide whether you want to live.”

Andy looked at Fion, visibly panicking. "Don't listen to him! He's just playing mind games with us!"

"Do you really think you can change your fate?" Nathan sneered. "I'm only letting one of you gotonight."

The gears in Fion's head began to turn. Yeah, won't telling me to shut up in front of the General onlymake us even more suspicious?

Fion shuddered as she imagined the sheer amount of blood that Nathan had spilled during his timein the North.

He can kill me in mere seconds!

I might get a chance to live if I just confessed my crimes... I'll die if that bastard Andy does it first!

Fion stood up abruptly. 'Til confess, General! Andy was the one who dragged me into this. He knewI was on bad terms with your wife and was adept at seducing men, so he got me to manipulateWyatt. Andy Jordan wants to use Wyatt as a weapon against you!"

Andy glared at her when he realized she had betrayed him. "You ba****d!"

"I'm a ba****d, but so are you," Fion retorted, snickering.

She turned to Nathan again and pleaded, "I'm sorry, General, Wyatt! Please forgive me! Just killhim! This is all his fault!”

Andy pounced onto Fion and grabbed her by the neck. "I'm going to kill you first!"

Fion's mouth fell open as her eyes looked as though they were going to pop out of her sockets.""

"Enough! End this!"

Colin rushed forward and punched Andy in the face, drawing blood.

"Stop manipulating Wyatt and harming my General!" Colin exclaimed. "I'll send you to hell now."

Colin was beyond furious to find out that they had been interfering in Nathan's relationship withWyatt the whole time.

He reached out to grab Andy's collar before he punched him in the face.


Colin's fist was like an axe to a tree and a hammer to a rock.

A few deadly punches later, Andy's skull had turned into mere shards. Blood caked his face as helay motionless on the ground.

"Send his corpse back to the Jordans and give them a severe warning," Nathan instructed.

"Yes, Sir!" Colin saluted.

Wyatt sat on his chair with an unreadable expression.

He had no clue that he had been manipulated by Andy the whole time. Even so, he was reluctant toput aside his hatred for Nathan. He stared at Nathan in frightened shock.

"Wyatt, you don't look so good. Do you need someone to send you back to Brimmopolis?" Nathanasked calmly.

"No!" Wyatt exclaimed, his face ashen.

He quickly stood up and left with his army of bodyguards.

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