Salute To The General

Chapter 1328 I Will Show Him
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Chapter 1328 I Will Show Him

When Andy and Fion heard Nathan's warning, their faces fell and fear rippled through them.

They thought they could manipulate Wyatt to deal with Nathan and Penny, but now, they realizedthat they were way over their heads.

If they were exposed, they and their families would be annihilated.

However, there was no turning back now. All they could do was to follow through with their act.

Fion retorted, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Andy snorted, "Don't try and sow discord in our relationship with Wyatt. Wyatt himself candifferentiate who his real friends are and who are the ones that are disrespecting him."

Turning towards Wyatt, Nathan noticed that the former was staring daggers at him.

That was when Nathan realized that the animosity Wyatt felt for him must have been accumulatingfor a long time.

It was impossible for Wyatt to view him with such hostility over a mere auction. Hence, Nathan wascertain that Wyatt must have despised him long before this.

At that moment, Nathan couldn't help but recall an old rumor.

The President had chosen to groom Nathan over Wyatt. In the end, Nathan became the General ofthe North while Wyatt was left out in the cold.

Is that rumor true?

Is that the reason why Wyatt hates me?

Nathan didn't want to put too much thought on the matter because he knew he would never be ableto pay the debt of gratitude that he owed the President and Aunt Camilla either way.

Even if Wyatt chose to be hostile to him, he would simply ignore the animosity.

Hence, he said to Wyatt, "Wyatt, you're a smart man. I'm sure if you think calmly about it, you willknow who your friends are and who is just trying to manipulate you. Anyway, I'm taking my leave.”

With that, Nathan and Penny left together.

Wyatt could only watch their retreating figures with an ugly expression etched on his face.

Meanwhile, Andy remarked, "Wyatt, this guy only respects your parents. It's obvious that he doesn'ttake you seriously. In his eyes you are but a rich spoilt kid!"

Fion added, "Wyatt, who is he? How dare he talk to you like that?"

Wyatt replied lividly, "He is one of the dogs that my father has groomed."novelbin

"Sooner or later, I'll show him."

Andy and Fion persistently tried to inflame the animosity between Wyatt and Nathan. However, theydidn't dare to overdo it for fear of being found out. They would be finished if that happened.

At that moment, Andy suggested, "Come, let's go and have a drink to forget this unhappy incident."

Fion agreed, "That's right, let's have a drink together, Wyatt."

All this time, Wyatt was jealous of Nathan. Although they were of similar age, Nathan was alreadyone of the top military commanders in the army. Furthermore, he was jealous of how much attentionhis parents showered on Nathan.

Nevertheless, he knew that he should avoid any conflict with Nathan because his parents woulddefinitely side with Nathan and blame him for not knowing any better.

Therefore, he had no other choice than to go drinking with Andy and Fion in his glum mood.

It was nighttime when Frida couldn't help but call the First Lady discreetly to inform her about themisunderstanding between Nathan and Wyatt at the auction today, including the animosity that hadresulted.

Camilla frowned when she heard that her son and Nathan were not on good terms.

After considering her options, she finally decided to call Wyatt and asked, "I heard you and Nathanhad an altercation?"

Wyatt, who had drank a lot became livid upon his mother's query. He scowled, "Who told you aboutit? It must be Nathan who complained, that a******!"

Camilla replied, "It wasn't Nathan who told me."

Wyatt sneered, "Who then?"

Not wanting to mention Frida for fear of Wyatt taking revenge, all she said was, "That's none of yourbusiness!"

"Wyatt, Nathan is the General of the North and the God of War. He is both a dependable andimpartial man."

"Besides, he respects both your father and me too much to get into a petty fight with you for noreason..."

Before Camilla could finish her sentence, Wyatt interrupted angrily, "Are you saying that Nathan cando nothing wrong and everything is my fault?”

Camilla was stunned as Wyatt had never talked back to her like that.

She replied, "That's not what I meant.

Wyatt, I'm your mother, you have to listen to me..."

Wyatt retorted, "You're not my mother, my mother died when I was little."

"And both of you treat Nathan better than me!"

"How dare that coward call and complain about me behind my back. It's ridiculous. I'll definitely getback at him for this!"

With that, Wyatt ended the call.

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