Salute To The General

Chapter 1306 I Command You To Kill Him Immediately
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Chapter 1306 I Command You To Kill Him Immediately

Gary was on his knees when he saw the burly man. Like a drowning man who had just gotten aholdof a floating plank, he exclaimed, "Makino, save me! This punk wants to kill me."

Makino was Lucius' right-hand man.

The Jordans took him in as an orphan. Ever since he was a kid, he was trained to master differentkilling and combat techniques. He later got assigned to the eldest grandson, Lucius, and becamethe latter's right-hand man.

Makino's strength was terrifying, and he was nicknamed the Walking Tank.

Without showing much emotion, he scanned the surroundings before his gaze landed on Gary.Makino frowned ever so slightly.

After that, his gaze turned sharp when he looked at Nathan and said, "My master has ordered me totake his brother home. You have injured and humiliated our seventh master. On behalf of mymaster, I will spare your life if you cut your legs off as

your apology."

Nathan replied coolly, "You are not worthy of threatening me."

Gary couldn't help from protesting, "Makino, he hurt me too badly. I will not accept it even if he cuthis own legs off. I order you to kill him immediately!"

Makino frowned slightly.

He stared at Nathan and said, "You're the one who remains stubborn, so don't blame me for whathappens.”

After that, Makino walked toward Nathan.

He moved slowly. However, all anyone saw was his body shifting, and he was suddenly standing infront of Nathan.

Makino acted as if he was browsing around when he lifted his hand and struck at Nathan's neck.His speed was incredible!

To his surprise, the latter stepped back in time and avoided his attack with ease.

Makino was taken aback because he thought he had that battle in his pocket.


He later used seventy percent of his strength to punch Nathan's chest, who avoided it again withoutbreaking into a sweat.

Makino's eyes bulged, and his gaze shone with surprise.

He no longer looked down on his opponent and turned serious, attacking Nathan with everything hehad.

Makino was trained as an assassin ever since he was a kid, and he served under the military. Hiscombat style was simple and aggressive. Every technique he used was aimed to kill, and thesuccess of those techniques depended on his strength and speed.

Makino was more and more afraid as he battled. He did everything he could, but he couldn't evenreach Nathan's shirt.

He roared in anger and used the technique, Cannon Fist, on Nathan.

That punch was so aggressive that it tore through the air.

That punch was incredible.

Nathan had been playing defense because he wanted to learn just how powerful an expert from theJordan family was. He was done observing by then and he threw his punch too.

That was the first move Nathan made in his battle against Makino.


The two fists collided. Crack! Crack! The bones in Makino's right arm shattered like glass from theimpact.

He moaned in pain before he backed away in stumbles.

He checked his right arm and saw that it was broken. He could no longer fight with that arm.

Gary, Hagrid, and the others were watching the battle and were flabbergasted once more.

The person who was in most shock was Makino. He had never been beaten that badly before.

He couldn't accept the truth and kept shaking his head. "It's not possible. It's not possible! A manwho could defeat me with one punch couldn't possibly be a nobody," Makino murmured to himselfas he tried to guess Nathan's identity.

Given Nathan's combat style, Makino suspected the man was from the military.novelbin

Makino ran through a list of powerful names in his mind.

Suddenly, his head shot up, and he stared at Nathan in a shaky voice. "I know who you are. You arethe General of the North also, known as the God of War!”

What? Nathan is the God of War?

Gary, Hagrid, and the others were stunned

into place as if they had just been struck by thunder.

Fear crept up and spread everywhere.

Everyone felt their hands going cold as their minds ran a single thought over and over again. Ohcrap! Nathan Cross is a general!

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