Salute To The General

Chapter 1301 No One Can Resist Our Master
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Chapter 1301 No One Can Resist Our Master

In the afternoon, Penny and Frida walked out of the Cross Group headquarters because Penny hadjust received a call from Nathan. He said that he would be there to pick her up from work so theycould go have lunch together.

They had just reached the entrance when a black Maybach and two black Mercedes-Benz stoppedin front of them.

Penny was a little surprised. When did Nathan get a new car?

That was when a burly man wearing a black leather jacket got out of one car with eight of hissubordinates close by.

He was Lupin, one of the best fighters working for Gary Jordan.

Penny was stunned when she saw Lupin and his men. She had only just realized she had made amistake, and that wasn't Nathan's car.

Frida had her guard up when she sensed these men had ill intentions.

Lupin and his eight subordinates walked up to Penny.

His lips curved up before he gestured for her to get into his car. "Hello, Ms. Smith. I am Lupin, thesubordinate of the seventh son of the Jordan family. My master would like to invite you to a party.Please get in the car."

Penny frowned. "Sorry, but I don't know who your master is and I am definitely not interested inattending his party. Please leave."

Lupin replied, "You may not know about my master, Ms. Smith, but I'm sure you've heard of theJordans of Brimmopolis."novelbin

The Jordan family from Brimmopolis!

Penny and Frida couldn't help but show their astonishment on their faces.

The Jordans of Brimmopolis were more powerful than most of the elites. That was especially truebefore the head of the family, Old Master Jordan, retired about a decade earlier. He showed up onthe news all the time.

Old Master Jordan had since retired, but his disciples had spread all over the country. The Jordansremained powerful even to that day because the Jordan family's disciples were many and wereeverywhere.

Lupin was secretly happy to see the surprise in Penny's and Frida's eyes.

He gestured once more. "Ms. Smith, my master is waiting. Please, get in the car."

Penny regained her composure then, and she rejected politely, "Sorry, but I have plans to havelunch with my husband, so I can't go to that party. Please apologize to your master on my behalf."

Lupin stared at the sexy Penny and scoffed, "I'm afraid that won't do. No One has ever rejected mymaster. Besides, if you'd like to apologize to him, you should do so in person."

Penny and Frida both looked surprised when they heard what Lupin said.

Penny was obviously just being polite when she asked Lupin to apologize on her behalf.

He actually thought that was a sin and expected her to apologize to his master in person!

Moreover, his words made Penny uncomfortable. The party was obviously a ruse to get Pennythere.

Penny's beautiful face turned hostile, and she insisted, "Like I said, I am having lunch with myhusband. I am too busy to go to the party.”

Lupin scoffed, "It's not up to you."

Frida couldn't hold her anger in and shouted, "What the hell is wrong with you people? Are youdeaf? She said she's not going! Get your butts out of here right away."

Lupin could tell that Frida was Penny's bodyguard, so he instructed cruelly, "Teach this woman alesson, boys.”


Two tall and muscular men attacked Frida simultaneously.

Frida didn't hold back and fought back.

Bang! Smack!

Frida knocked the two subordinates out quickly.

Lupin was surprised. "Huh. Who would've thought that you are a pretty good fighter too? Well, thenlet me teach you a lesson personally."

After saying his piece, Lupin moved as quickly as lighting to attack Frida.

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