Salute To The General

Chapter 1296 What Did You Put Into The Drink
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Chapter 1296 What Did You Put Into The Drink

Hagrid already knew what Blake was up to, and he was more than happy to see him try to seducePenny.

If his male artist were able to approach Penny Smith, Hagrid would also be able to take advantageof her, such as asking Blake to coax Penny into investing in a movie or a TV series.

When he saw Blake getting flat out rejected, Hagrid smiled and tried to change the topic, "Oh, ofcourse, I understand! Come, come, let's all sit down and have some food while we talk."

Penny's group and Hagrid's group quickly sat down according to their respective positions.

Hagrid ordered the waiter to start serving the food and to open a few bottles of champagne.

He raised his glass and smiled at Penny before declaring, "President Smith, it is our honor that youare hiring our company's celebrities to perform at your company's celebration. This is a toast to youand to

our cooperation!"

Penny held up her glass and smiled. "Mr. Potter, we haven't even talked about how many celebritiesand the prices yet!"

Hagrid laughed and replied, "Ms. Smith is inviting my artists to perform. It is a great honor for me, soI will most definitely charge the lowest price there is on the market. The price is two million for anartist to sing a song, and because Blake Fuller is a superstar, his appearance fee is going to costten million."

Penny blurted out in shock, "Two million for a song and ten million for Blake Fuller to show up? Isn'tthat a little too expensive?"

"This is the market price," Hagrid answered with a smile, "There is a reason why it's expensive. I'msure you'll find out soon enough, President Smith."

Even though Penny thought it was expensive, the executives beside her told her that these priceswere normal, so she reluctantly agreed, "Alright then. We'll go with your prices, Mr. Potter."

What Penny didn't know was that the prices that Hagrid offered were indeed lower than usual.

This was because Hagrid had other plans. What he wanted was to help his artist Blake Fuller tohook up with Penny Smith.

As long as they were able to hook up, he could control Penny however he wanted to. Coaxing herto invest large sums of money into films and TV series was going to be a piece of cake.

With that thought in his mind, Hagrid secretly winked at his surrounding celebrities.

Some of them caught on and started doing what they did best - acting. They constantly livened theatmosphere and persuaded Penny and her group to drink up.

Unknowingly, Penny's people were starting to get a little drunk.

When Hagrid saw what was happening, he quietly took out a small bag of powder and poured it intothe champagne bottle when no one was watching.

He then stood up and smiled. "Come, President Smith. Let me fill up your glass."

When she saw that the executives around her were all drunk while she felt tipsy, Penny hurriedlyrejected Hagrid's offer, "No, no. I can't drink anymore."

"This is the last glass. Won't you respect this last toast, President Smith?" Hagrid pleaded.

Penny had no choice but to let Hagrid fill her glass.

Hagrid turned to Blake and said, "Blake, you do the honors and have the last toast with PresidentSmith."

Blake raised his glass as a wicked smile formed across his face. "A toast to Ms.


Penny raised her glass. "A toast to


She gulped down the entire glass, then wanted to call everyone to leave.

But as soon as she downed her glass, she felt light-headed and weak.

All the other executives of Cross Group were also drunk.

Even Frida was passed out on the table.

Penny stood up unsteadily and fell onto her chair. She asked suspiciously in a wavering tone,"What's happening? What did you put into the drinks? Frida? Frida?"

Hagrid chuckled and said, "There's no use shouting. I know your bodyguard doesn't drink, so Idrugged the drinks and the water. She drank a glass of water earlier, so I'm afraid she won't bewaking up to answer your call."

"Hagrid Potter, are you crazy? What are you trying to do?" Penny was astonished and infuriated.

Hagrid smiled and replied, "I don't want to do anything. It's just that our Blake really adores you,President Smith. He wants to get to know you more in private."

Blake's lecherous eyes fell onto Penny as he smiled sinisterly. "Ms. Smith, don't worry. I'll be verygentle with you. I guarantee that you'll feel pleasure that you've never felt before. Once you'vetasted it, you'll fall in love with this feeling and fall for me."novelbin

Penny's limbs were cold as her face went pale. She scolded sternly, "You'd better not mess around,or else my husband won't forgive you."

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