Salute To The General

Chapter 1267 Nathan Is Never Coming Back
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Chapter 1267 Nathan Is Never Coming Back

After being beaten up by Sean and threatened with Nathan, the Snyder father-and-son could nolonger hold themselves back.

Gideon raged, "Sean, don't go over the line! Do you think that the Snyder Family can't get rid of theSmith Family? We've underestimated you this time. That's why we failed. We will come back to youone day and that day will be doomsday for you and your family."

It was then the Smiths recalled that the Snyders was a family much more powerful than them. Theywere incomparable to the Snyders in connections and backup.

When they heard that the Snyder Family would come for them another day, everyone's face drainedof color.

At the same time, Devin wiped the blood away from the corner of his lips as he looked at theSmiths. He sneered, "That's right. Nathan, do you know who did you just kill? They're rear admiralTristan Westwood's men! Not only have you crossed the Snyder Family, but you've also crossedTristan. Do you think you'll be living for much longer?"

The recently retired rear admiral of the naval forces, Tristan Westwood?

When the Smiths heard his name, they drew a sharp breath collectively.

Their minds just went blank.

They were only ordinary wealthy families in Channing, and they had no supports from the politicaland military world.

Now that they had abruptly crossed the rear admiral, it was like the world was ending forthem.

When Gideon and Devin looked at the Smiths and they sneer. They looked fearful now which wasthe opposite of how prideful they were a moment ago.

Then, they turned to look at Nathan, hoping to catch a glimpse of fear, shock, and regret on him.

It would be even better if Nathan were frightened out of his wits, or went down on his knees,begging for mercy.

However, Nathan remained calm and collected.

In fact, the corners of his lips had turned upward in a seemingly ambiguous smile.

Nathan looked at the two mockingly. "I have told you the Snyder Family is nothing to me. Tristanisn't a threat to me at all.

But since he's been looking fortrouble with me, I'll settle the scores with him even if he doesn't cometo me."


Nathan is trying to look for Mr. Westwood to settle the score instead?

After hearing his words, Sean and his family's eyes opened as wide as saucer plates.

Even Gideon and his son were in disbelief as they gaped their jaws. They thought that Nathan wasa man who was very arrogant!

When Gideon came back to his senses and he sneered, "Who do you think you are to challenge Mr.Westwood? Are you really looking for trouble?"

At the same time, Devin added, "I hope he'll keep this arrogance when he meets Mr. Westwood. Iwonder if he'll be on his knees, pleading for mercy instead."

The moment he said those words, a large fleet of military vehicles appeared in a distance.

These military vehicles came from Channing's military base.novelbin

As the crowd watched in surprise, armed soldiers jumped down from vehicles and swiftly got intoformation.

A tall man in uniform led a troop of soldiers to Nathan.

This man was the Captain of the National Guards, Callan Stone.

After saluting Nathan and the rest, Callan said, "Mr. Cross, Major-General Wilson, and

rear admiral Westwood would like to meet you."

Indeed, Major-General Wilson was Franklin Wilson, and rear admiral Westwood was TristanWestwood.

The color drained out of the Smiths' faces. Nathan and the Smiths had just offended Tristan amoment ago, and now, the latter was here to invite Nathan for a meeting.

Nathan was never coming back!

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