Salute To The General

Chapter 1245 Shall We Make A Bet
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Chapter 1245 Shall We Make A Bet

It took the members of Cross Group's senior management quite some time before they returned totheir senses.

Immediately, someone raised their objection against Nathan's suggestion. "Nathan, Odysseus isone of the most fearsome pirates in this region. In fact, he's the leader of Demon's Lair; the one thatdominates the sea. The Seven Kings of Demon's Lair are his subordinates and they have alwaysbeen known as a brutal bunch. Even the navy of several countries failed to get rid of them. Do youreally think you will be able to take him out?"

Another member of the senior management said, "That's right! Odysseus has warned us to transferthe requested sum to his account before the clock strikes twelve tomorrow. Otherwise, he will takeaction against us starting tomorrow. I'm afraid the life of everyone in this conference room will be atstake if we refuse to give in to his request!"

Nevertheless, Nathan reassured everyone in a calm and collected manner, "Don't worry. No one'slife will be at stake. By twelve o'clock tomorrow, I will get rid of him once and for all. Please bepatient for the time being."

Since everyone had conflicting viewpoints and opinions, Penny decided to take the matter into herhands and announced, "No matter what, Cross Group will never give in to the pirates! We won't paythem the toll they have demanded either! I'll get in touch with the cops and request them for their aidas soon as this meeting is over! Apart from that, the company's recent exported goods will befreighted through the air for the time being."

As Penny was the chairman of the board of directors and the president of Cross Group, she has therights to make the final decision personally.

The members of the senior management couldn't rebuke Penny's decision since she had made upher mind. They decided to carry out her instructions for the time being.

Before long, the members of the senior management was dismissed and they returned to theirrespective positions.

With the meeting over, Nathan and Penny were the only ones left in the conference room.

Penny massaged her temples as she was extremely worn out. Truth be told, she knew the copswouldn't be able to get rid of the pirates as well, let alone Odysseus and those from Demon's Lair.

As a matter of fact, air freight wouldn't be the optimal solution because it would increase the cost ofproduction in the long term. Hence, it was merely a plan to get rid of their urgent needs.

Nathan took a seat by Penny's side because he knew what Penny's concerns were.

He held his wife's hand and assured her with a smile, "What's wrong? Don't you have faith in me?Are you afraid that your beloved husband won't be able to get rid of the pirates and Odysseus?"

In return, Penny rolled her eyes and replied

with a poker face, "Nathan, I know what you're capable of. In fact, ordinary pirates aren't yourmatch. However, we're talking about Odysseus. Even the navy from several countries had a hardtime dealing with him. Do you really think you will be able to take him out?"

Nathan raised his eyebrows in return and asked rhetorically, "Perhaps the reason why the navy ofother countries isn't able to take him out is because they're relatively weak? If the navy of our nationhas the intention to take Odysseus and those from Demon's Lair out, we will be able to get rid ofthem within a few minutes."

"However, they have never been one of the navy's priorities all along. Since I have promised you totake them out, I won't allow any single one of them to survive! If you don't believe me, shall wemake a bet?”

"What sort of bet?” Penny's eyes widened as she was intrigued. She looked at her husbandcuriously.

"Let's bet on whether Odysseus and those from Demon's Lair will be taken out before twelve o'clocktomorrow!” Nathan suggested.novelbin

"What's the reward if you win the bet?" Penny asked in return.

"If I'm able to take the pirates out before twelve o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow, you have to kissme," Nathan replied with a grin on his face.

Penny flushed embarrassedly upon hearing his request. She avoided her husband's gaze and said."Stop fooling around!"

The moment she finished her sentence, she thought about it and realized Nathan was her husband.Since they were husband and wife, it wouldn't be considered as fooling around even if she were tokiss him.

Feeling embarrassed, she tried to divert the topic and asked in return, "What happens if you losethe bet?"

"If that's the case, I'll kiss you! Sounds like a fair deal to me." Nathan smiled and replied.

Penny found her husband's reply hilarious and absurd at the same time. "Hey! It doesn't sound fairat all, okay?”

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