Salute To The General

Chapter 1194 You Have No Way Out
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Chapter 1194 You Have No Way Out

Ingram Ziegler and Joanna were aghast. He knew about our identities and whereabouts right fromthe beginning?

They were astounded.

"If you know I'm from the West, then you should know how powerful my family is. My uncle is theGeneral Commander for a troop of more than three hundred thousand soldiers. He is Lucas Ziegler.If you're smart enough, you'd better get on your knees and beg for mercy now. Otherwise, when myfamily comes for revenge, your whole family will diminish in just minutes."

Then, Joanna continued, "I'm the princess of Eagleland. Guess what. I'm exempted from foreignaffairs. Even though I've committed a crime here, you don't have to right to send me to court. Atmost, you can only send me back to Eagleland."

Nathan looked at Ingram coldly, "Don't ever use Lucas Ziegler to threaten me. He doesn't even dareto talk to me like that when he sees me."

He then shot a glance at Joanna and said indifferently, "If you dare lay a finger on my family again,your diplomatic exemption can't even protect you!"novelbin

Ingram and Joanna were both appalled.

It seemed like Nathan did not give a damn sh** about the Zieglers and Eagleland!

Oh, God! Just how arrogant is this guy? Does he have a strong backing? Is that why he's gotnothing to fear?

"Who the hell are you? How dare you look down on us and speak insolently about my uncle?"Ingram reproached.

Nathan disdained Ingram as he ignored his questions. He walked directly to Kylie to untie the ropefor her as well as the tape on her mouth.


Kylie had barely escaped death, and she was so excited that she fled into Nathan's arm.

Nathan was taken by surprise when Kylie held him tight. He awkwardly patted her back to comforther. "Hush, it's all right now.”

After coaxing and making sure that she was emotionally stable, Nathan broke free from herembrace without being noticed.

Right at that moment, the blaring of honks was heard when a fleet of cars whizzed past.

In a minute, the abandoned building was surrounded by a variety of luxury cars.

Soon, two old men got out of the cars, followed by their subordinates.

To one's surprise, they were the leader of the first and second noble family in the country, MaxArtoria and Pirk.

Ingram and Joanna had a bad hunch, and their faces darkened immediately.

"Mr. Cross!" "Mr. Cross!"

Max and Pirk, along with a few thousands of their subordinates, had surrounded the place. The twoold men walked up to Nathan and bowed respectfully.

This scene shocked Ingram and Joanna once again.

How could the most notable leaders of the noble families be so respectful to Nathan? Who the hellis Nathan Cross?

"This man and woman are the murderers of your clans. I'll leave them to you since both of you arehere now," Nathan said indifferently.

Max and Pirk glared fiercely at Ingram Ziegler and Joanna, whose faces were pale and ashen."Thank you, Mr. Cross!" said both of them almost at the same time.

"Let's go. They'll take it from here," Nathan said gently to Kylie.


Nathan helped Kylie up and walked toward the nearest Hongqi car.

As soon as they left, Max berated coldly, "How dare both of you killed my men and stir up thedispute between Mr. Cross and us? You've almost perished our families. Guys, send them to hellnow."

"Don't you dare touch me! I'm from the Zieglers!" Ingram rebuked.

Joanna was terrified as she shrieked, "I'm Princess Joanna from Eagleland! I have the right to befree from diplomatic affairs. You guys can't do anything to me!"

Max sneered, "Well, we could still let you go if you offended us since both of you come from suchprestigious families. But too bad, both of you have offended Mr. Cross. There's no way you'll make itout alive."

Pirk commanded, "Guys, send them to hell now!"

Both Joanna and Ingram slumped to the floor desperately.

The latter raised his head and asked in despair, "Before I die, can you please tell me who exactlyNathan Cross is?"

"Well, it doesn't matter if I tell you now. Mr. Cross is the young General of the North. Even youruncle, Lucas Ziegler, has to pay respect to him because he is the God of war!"

He's the General of the North? The top fighter in China?

Ingram and Joanna's eyes widened. They finally understood how and why they had been defeated.

Ingram laughed wanly. "If only I knew earlier...'

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, there was a burst of gunfire, and both Ingram Ziegler and Joanna were mowed down byMax and Pirk's men.

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