Salute To The General

Chapter 1138 Allow Five People In
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Chapter 1138 Allow Five People In

In Nathan's arms, Queenie suddenly opened her eyes. The tension on his face disappeared andwas replaced by a look of excitement.

She couldn't contain herself and raised her hand to salute the soldiers standing right in front of her.

Nathan smiled as he hugged his daughter and walked in with his subordinates.

Everyone around was stunned.

The Lindberg family were so shocked that their eyes almost popped out.

This... What's going on?

The Lindberg family Matriarch and the rest of the Lindberg family were completely stunned.

They couldn't get in even when they had more than a dozen invitations. Peter Lindberg was evenalmost shot.

On the other hand, Nathan Cross's group did not even have a single invitation letter, but they hadentered casually.

Even the soldiers equipped with guns and live ammunition at the scene had saluted Nathan Crosswith reverence.

What's going on?

After the Lindberg family got over their initial shock, they immediately expressed their dissatisfactionto the major in charge of the scene.novelbin

However, the major coldly warned them not to stir up trouble, or they would have to pay for theconsequences.

Everyone in the Lindberg family was shocked and angry, but they dared not argue with the major incharge.

Tonight was Camilla Quinn's birthday reception. The nation's God of War would be attending thereception in person, and all the guests who were attending the reception were of top dignitaries inthe nation. This was indeed not a place where the Lindberg family could afford to stir up trouble.

At that moment, a red car drove in from a distance away, escorted by a dozen black cars.

Camilla Quinn had arrived.

As she sat in the back seat of the red car, Camilla frowned slightly at the Lindberg family who stoodat the hotel entrance. She said plainly, "What are those people doing? Why are they not going inand blocking the entrance?"

Her personal bodyguard quickly told her, "Let me find out."

The bodyguard took out his mobile phone and quickly made a call. He then told Camilla, "Madam,that group of people are the third-rated Lindberg family from Brimmopolis. The old lady is theGeneral's biological grandmother."

He continued, "Will Long didn't know that the General had a bad relationship with the Lindbergfamily, so he mistakenly sent the 15 invitations meant for the General to the Lindberg family. Afterdiscovering the error later, General Long ordered the Lindberg family's 15 invitations to beinvalidated.”

"The Lindberg family couldn't enter the reception because the invitations became invalidated. Yet,they refused to leave."

Camilla exclaimed, "I see! Since these people are not on good terms with Nathan, I shall not payany attention to them."

"But tonight is my birthday party. General Long made a mistake when he sent those invitations. Itwould not look good if the Lindberg family blocks the entrance. Go over and let the guard at thedoor know that we can allow five of them in, and the Lindberg family are not to make a scene."

Her bodyguard immediately answered, "Yes, ma'am!"

The Lindberg family were prepared to scurry away when unexpectedly, Camilla Quinn's bodyguardcame and instructed the guard at the door to allow five of them into the reception.

The major in charge of the soldiers at the door solemnly obeyed the orders.

The Lindberg family was surprised and delighted. They quickly turned their heads and soon realizedthat it was the first lady Camilla Quinn had arrived.

They were flattered and did not bother hiding their expressions. Each of them bowed in salutetowards Camilla to express their gratitude.

The Lindberg family Matriarch was ecstatic and said excitedly, "I told you there was nothing wrongwith the invitations. Look, even Camilla Quinn herself has personally testified for us. Although wewere only given five invitations, in the end, it's better than the other esteemed families fromBrimmopolis! Haha! Our Lindberg family must have become more prominent in some way.Otherwise, Camilla would not care for us so much!"

The Lindberg family Matriarch took her two sons Hugh and Luke, her two grandsons Peter andHans, and walked in triumphantly.

The rest of the Lindberg family could only

wait outside.

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