Salute To The General

Chapter 1115 Do Not Come After My Daughter
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Chapter 1115 Do Not Come After My Daughter

Nathan shrugged as he stared at the Invincible Monk with a blank expression. The latter's internalorgans and bones must have been crushed. In fact, The Invincible Monk appeared barely alive atthat point.

One kick from Nathan was enough to injure the Invincible Monk gravely. While Peter was still in adaze, Nathan had already walked up to him. The latter instructed coldly, "I don't like your pridefulface either, so get down on your knees!"

After saying that, Nathan kicked Peter's knee.

The sharp pain on Peter's knee got him to fall onto the floor. Peter was kneeling in front of Nathan atthe very next second.

Peter sounded cruel when he said, "Nathan Cross, how dare you do this to me? I will kill you..."

Nathan didn't bother waiting for Peter to finish speaking. The former simply held his hand up andslapped the latter across his face a few times.

That got Peter's face to bloat, and he bled from his mouth.

Peter looked up and met Nathan's eyes. Nathan's sharp gaze prompted Peter to shiver in fear.


"Let go of our master!"

The Lindberg's subordinates rushed over furiously.

Unfortunately, they couldn't even get close to Nathan before Colin and the Elite Eight stopped them.

Bang! Slap! Smack!

It only took Colin and the Elite Eight a few seconds to knock the others out.

Peter glared at Nathan. "H-how dare you disregard the Lindberg Family of Brimmopolis?"

Nathan retorted cruelly, "Right. Your family and power mean nothing to me."

"Go back and tell your Matriarch that my mother has already cut all ties with your lot. None of youhelped her when she was at her lowest point, so don't bother looking for me now. Also, I will giveyou guys one last warning. Don't even think about coming after my daughter or I will annihilate yourentire family.”

Annihilate the Lindberg Family!

Peter wasn't the only one who looked surprised.

Penny, Grace and the others gasped too.

The Lindberg Family was so powerful and influential in the entire nation.

Yet, Nathan had said that he would annihilate them if he was upset.

That was way too arrogant.

Peter glared at Nathan and replied through gritted teeth, "Oh, I will definitely send your message tothe Matriarch. When the Matriarch is angry and descends her fury on you, I pray that you will still beas

arrogant as you are right now."

Nathan simply replied, "You may f*ck off now.”

Peter left with his subordinates soon after.novelbin

Back in the Lindberg family home in Brimmopolis, an elderly woman with silver hair was sitting onher mahogany arm chair. She was holding a walking cane with a dragon's head carved on thehandle.

Her children and grandchildren were standing in front of her.

The servants and subordinates of the family were on standby as well.

"Is Angela's son, Nathan, really that arrogant? Not only did he injure Peter, but he also claimed thathe would annihilate our family if we bothered him again?”

Peter's father and the Matriarch's eldest son, Hugh, replied, "Yes. Peter told me everything inperson, so there is no

mistake, mom."

The Matriarch remained quiet for a few moments before she said, "Peter might have made amistake and caused some misunderstanding. That, in turn, messed things up."


"Yes, mother?" answered Hugh instantly.

The Matriarch instructed, "Go to Horton in person and talk to Nathan. Ask him to change hissurname and be a part of the family, and tell him that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If heagrees to do so, we will share some of our resources with his company, the Cross Group. Thatshould help make the company the top of its industry, which is something that would take him atleast thirty years to accomplish. In return, he must have his daughter go to Africa as a hostage."

Hugh replied, "Understood!

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