Salute To The General

Chapter 1095 A Soldier Who Does Not Hope To Be A General...
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Chapter 1095 A Soldier Who Does Not Hope To Be A General...


Cicero felt as though he was struck by lightning. His face had turned ashen and he tremoredviolently.novelbin

Gabriel and all the other 'faithful dogs' had forlorn expressions on their faces as they realized that itwas over for them.

Franklin and Colin led their respective soldiers to assist Keanu in capturing Cicero and whoeverwas in league with him.

Cicero's face contorted with anger and hopelessness. He had come here to exact revenge onNathan, but never expected things to pan out like this.

Nathan cracked a small smile as he looked at Cicero's bloodless face. "Cicero, I have known aboutthe existence of the Omniscience since a long time ago, and have already investigated all of thosewho were involved. What I didn't expect was that you would come here to take revenge on me,together with Gabriel Lambert and the other faithful dogs. I'll have to thank you for this. Because ifyou didn't bring them along with you, we'd have a lot more work cut out for us trying to locate them.It's all good and well now that we can capture everyone right here."

Cicero, Gabriel, Jose and the rest almost spewed blood when they heard this.

Before long, Cicero and the others were arrested.

Keanu, Franklin and Colin retreated with their men, bringing along all the corpses. The blood on theground was also washed away, as if nothing had happened.

However, the Smith's knew better. They had just been thrown into a life-and-death situation andwitnessed the destruction of yet another enemy.

Now that there were no outsiders present, Sean and his large family scuttled over.

Everyone surrounded Nathan to pepper him with questions, wanting to know what exactly had justhappened.

Sean's voice stood out the most, "Nathan, I heard them calling you 'commanding officer' earlier.What's going on?”

Samuel added with excitement twinkling in his eyes, "Yeah. You were so cool when youcommanded the army earlier. Nathan, are you really a commanding officer?"

"I think I heard them calling you 'general' earlier. I must've heard it wrong, right, Nathan?" Ferlyn'squestion came next.

The Smith's, even Penny, Leah and Benson, stared wide-eyed at Nathan as they awaited hisexplanation.

Nathan looked at Sean and the rest, perceiving the conspicuous greed peeking through their eyes.In the end, he chose to keep his identity as a general a secret.

Firstly, he didn't want his identity to disturb the peace of his family.

Secondly, Sean, Samuel and Paul had a tendency to become two-faced whenever the situation wasto their advantage.

If they knew that he was a general, they might abuse his name to show off and bully others.

That was what Nathan didn't want to happen.

Hence, he smiled in response and said, "You guys are mistaken. I'm not a commanding officer, letalone a general."

Sean and the others had doubt etched into their features. With heavy suspicion in his tone, Seanpushed on, "But I clearly heard that they addressed you as 'commanding officer'..."

Nathan maintained the smile on his face. "Actually, all of this was possible because of Sarah Lee.She was the one who uncovered the truth behind the anti-nation organization known as theOmniscience. When I served in the North Army, I was actually a soldier who worked closely with thegeneral. So, I fed every intel that was gathered by Ms. Lee to the general. It just so happened thatCicero and the lot came to seek their revenge on me. The general ordered Major General FranklinWilson and the Secret Service to cooperate with me, giving me temporary command over the armyto arrest Cicero and his accomplices."

Everyone finally understood everything, nodding as they agreed that what Nathan had said madesense.

Sean nodded and said, "I see. So, you were just the temporary commander. But to be able tocommand Major-General Wilson and the Secret Service, even for only one day, is already animpressive feat."

Ferlyn chimed in, "No wonder I vaguely heard them saying general. So, they weren't addressingyou, but referring to your commanding officer, the General of the North.”

"Based on how often he brags to me that he's a general, I'd say he'd be more than happy if heactually was one, but that's just impossible." Penny muttered under her breath.

Nathan smiled. "A soldier who doesn't hope to be a general, is not a good


Everyone laughed when they heard what he said.

In truth, when Nathan appeared before the Smith's a year ago, Sean had already hired someone todo a background check on his identity.

The staff from the Household Registration office had informed Sean that Nathan was a veteransoldier from the North, and had served as a mere platoon leader.

That was also why Sean and his family easily believed that Nathan wasn't a commanding officer,but just a temporary commander.

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