Salute To The General

Chapter 1080 I Gave The Orders
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Chapter 1080 I Gave The Orders

A loud whirring noise could also be heard in the air.

Dozens of armed helicopters filled the sky as if they were giant nocturnal birds.

Very soon, these helicopters were hovering above the prison and their high-speed machine gunswere aiming at Marcus and his men.

As if that were not grand enough of a spectacle, men in black combat suits could also be seenrappelling down from the helicopters.

They quickly gathered around Nathan the moment they landed in order to provide him with closeprotection.

Marcus and his clan were flabbergasted.

The Saber clan had given Channing's leaders a heads-up before carrying out their plan. How didthings change so drastically overnight? Why was the army being mobilized?

Staring at the troops surrounding him nervously, Marcus yelled, "Which military districts are youguys from? Who gave the orders to mobilize the army? Don't you know I am the Master of theSaber clan, Marcus Lane?"

"I gave the orders!”

The soldiers parted to make a path as Franklin Wilson, who was dressed in a major general'suniform, arrived at the scene with a large battalion of soldiers.

Marcus was shocked and livid to see Franklin. "Franklin, how could you turn against me when I treatyou like a friend? You mobilized the army just to take me down for a stranger?

Franklin replied coldly, "Don't pull the friend card on me. You're just a traitor who betrayed ournation. Moreover, I don't have friends who involve themselves with The Omniscience."

Marcus's expression turned sour.

He pointed at Nathan and Sarah frantically and said, "Major-General Wilson, you must have beenmisguided by the two of them. Don't believe whatever they say; I'm innocent."novelbin

Franklin sneered, "So you're saying Mr. Cross framed you?"

Marcus replied, "Of course he did! We're sworn enemies. He refused to stand around and donothing since he knew I was coming for him, so he conspired with this female journalist to frameme.”

"What a load of crap!" Franklin barked. "Do you even know who Mr. Cross is? Given his status, hewouldn't even need to frame you if he really wanted to take you down. You involved yourself withour nation's enemies and betrayed our country for your own benefit! How dare you still try to wormyour way out of this?"

Marcus was dumbstruck. He stared at Nathan in disbelief and shouted, "W-Who is he?"

Franklin said angrily, "You fool! He used to be my master and my superior. He now holds the title ofGeneral of the North. He is the God of War, General Nathan Cross!"

The General!


Marcus felt as though he had been struck by lightning upon hearing about Nathan's identity.

His knees buckled and he fell onto the ground with a loud thud.

He looked at Nathan in despair. Marcus finally came to realize why Nathan had the guts to declareupfront that he would remove the Saber clan from the league of the eight most revered families.

He also began to understand why Nathan and his men were so highly skilled in combat.

No wonder Nathan could easily wipe out the snipers I've secretly brought along ahead of time.

It's all because Nathan is the General himself!

Saber is doomed.

Marcus, Philip, and all other Lanes fell into despair.

Franklin came forward. He saluted Nathan and asked, "General, what should we do with them?"

Nathan replied coldly, "Arrest all of them. Transfer the important ones to the Secret Service and letjustice be served."

"Yes, Sir!" Franklin replied.

Marcus knew he wouldn't be able to escape his crimes when he heard that he would be transferredto the Secret Service. Meanwhile, it's all over for the Saber clan as well.

He blacked out and fainted upon that bitter realization.

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