Salute To The General

Chapter 1076 I Have Always Been This Arrogant
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Chapter 1076 I Have Always Been This Arrogant

George Landon and his subordinates clenched onto their weapons.

George then roared, "Who are you people? How dare you attack a military prison? Do you knowyou're committing a felony?"

At this moment, Marcus Lane and the Fantastic Four walked forward.

Marcus chuckled, "Do you know what crime you've committed by mistreating my son and beingrude to me?”

Before George Landon could reply, red laser dots were already aimed at him and dozens of hismen.


Not only did the Saber clan dispatch thousands of their disciples to attack Channing Prison, but theyhad also sent dozens of snipers!

Marcus Lane stared at George Landon and his subordinates and sneered. "All of you are beingtargeted by my snipers. Drop your weapons at once or you'll all turn into ice-cold bodies on mycommand."

Overwhelmed with anger and shock, George challenged him. "You dare kill us?"

Marcus scoffed, "You can try. Do you believe that nothing will happen to me even after I kill all ofyou? Franklin Wilson, your Commander-In-Chief, will even buy me dinner."


The Saber clan was the head of the eight most revered families. They had connections all over thecountry, from the police force to underground mobs. Even Franklin Wilson, the major general, had totreat Marcus Lane with respect.

Given the clan's powerful background, nothing would happen to them even if they killed GeorgeLandon and the prison guards.

News relating to this incident would even be fully covered up: not a single soul would know about it.

George Landon glared at Marcus Lane and his disciples. There were thousands of men standingbehind the latter and dozens of snipers hiding in the dark.

George knew that it was pointless to fight. Resisting would only cause his subordinates' lives.

Hence, he took the lead and dropped his weapon, instructing his subordinates, "Drop yourweapons!"

Marcus Lane chuckled, "That's how it should be!"

George Landon replied coldly, "Marcus Lane, don't be too cocky! You will regret it all when Mr.Cross arrives!"

Marcus Lane then commanded his disciples to seize their weapons and sneered, "I, Marcus Lane,have been this arrogant my whole life. I do not know the word 'regret'."

George uttered calmly, "I can guarantee that you'll be learning the word 'regret' when Mr. Crossarrives."

Upon hearing this, Marcus Lane laughed, "I look forward to how Nathan Cross will make me regretmy decisions."

As he spoke, he caught sight of the old locust tree in the courtyard.

Beneath the old locust tree were two small mounds with a wooden sign: The Tomb of Army Dogs—Big Black & Little Black.

Marcus gazed at his son, "Are those the graves they forced you to dig for the dead dogs?"

Philip Lane nodded furiously and pointed at George Landon, "These guys even made me and DeanHaze kneel at the dogs' tombs the whole night!”

Marcus Lane's expression darkened in response. "This is outrageous! Guys, break both their legsand make them kneel before the dogs' graves!"

At his order, a bunch of Saber clan disciples dashed toward George Landon and the prison guardslike hungry beasts. Within seconds, all their legs were broken and they were made to kneel at thegrave.

Although the pain of broken legs was unbearable, none of them make a single sound.

Marcus Lane looked at them kneeling and sneered, "Since you guys enjoy kneeling at the grave, I'llfulfill your wishes."

"Someone pass a message on to Nathan Cross. Ask him to bring me Sarah Lee and the USB drive.If he doesn't arrive within half an hour, not only will all these guards die, but their families will alsoperish."

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