Salute To The General

Chapter 1067 I Am Nathan Cross
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Chapter 1067 I Am Nathan Cross

The young lady's face turned stormy. When she shifted away from him, the money fell from his handto the ground.

She grabbed a glass of water from the table and splashed it onto the man's face. "A**hole, don't youknow how to show respect to a woman?"

The man was furious.

Not only am I unsuccessful at hooking up with a mere beer promoter, but she has even splashedwater at my face in front of my subordinates! This is downright embarrassing!

"Slut, you must have a death wish!"

He raised his right hand and was about to slap her hard across her face.

The young lady's face turned ghastly white. She froze on the spot and watched in terror as his handwas about to reach her face.

At this critical moment, a figure flitted past her.

Nathan appeared before her. Grabbing the blond-haired man's hand, he asked coldly, "What kind ofman are you to hit a woman?"

The man was terrified and angry. He struggled with all his might to loosen Nathan's grip on his handbut to no avail.

Flustered, he glared at Nathan. "How dare you stick your nose into my business! Are you looking todie?”

With that, he raised his leg to kick Nathan in his nether region.

But Nathan was faster. With a scoff, he kicked the man's leg first, and a loud cracking sound rangout.

The leg of the blond-haired man was broken.


The man screamed in pain at the top of his lungs.

His subordinates let out a holler and rushed right up to Nathan.novelbin

Colin stepped forward without hesitation and knocked them onto the ground with just a few moves.

Nathan commanded the blond-haired man, "Apologize to the young lady now!"

The blond-haired man knew he was up against a tough opponent this time; hence, he immediatelyapologized to the young lady in a trembling voice while trying to ignore the excruciating pain comingfrom his broken leg. "Babe, I'm sorry."

The young lady raised her chin and replied graciously, "I accept your apology!"

Nathan could not help but sneak a glance at her.

This girl is magnanimous indeed!

Nathan turned to the blond-haired man and ordered, "Scram!"

He and his subordinates scrambled to their feet and wobbled out while leaning onto each other forsupport.

The young lady turned towards Nathan gratefully, "Thank you for saving me!"

"It's nothing. But you should be careful in the future. Maybe you should change your job sincedrunkards tend to cause trouble."


Nathan and Colin returned to their seats and continued with their supper.

The young lady could not help asking, "Sir, my name is Faith Hill. May I know your name?”

‘Tm Nathan Cross!”

At this time, a Beetle screeched to a stop by the roadside.

A beautiful lady decked in office wear came out of the car.

She was Sarah Lee, a reporter from Channing TV Station.

Sarah marched towards Faith angrily and grabbed Faith's hand, exclaiming, "Why are you outworking again? Haven't I asked you to focus on your studies, and I will help to find you sponsors ifyou can't afford your school fees?”

Faith struggled with all her might as she shouted back, "I can earn my own keep! I don't need othersto sponsor me!"

"Nonsense! Why are you so stubborn? Isn't it good to receive help from others? Didn't the man Iintroduced to you last time offer to pay your school fees every month? Why must you continueworking instead of accepting others' help? Look at you in your miniskirt. Come home with me now!”

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