Salute To The General

Chapter 1056 Leah Is Threatened
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Chapter 1056 Leah Is Threatened

Nathan instructed Morris to keep a low profile while he remained in The Omniscience and reporteverything to him. Of course, Nathan also reminded his new eyes and ears not to try anythingstupid.

He would have someone watch over the Cross clan's every move. If any of them tried anythingfunny, an excruciatingly painful ending would await them.

After making sure Morris understood his mission, Nathan and Colin then returned to Channing whileFang led his squad and warriors back to the North.

Nathan and Colin arrived in Channing that very afternoon.

Just as they were exiting the airport, Nathan looked to Colin and instructed him, "Go look into theSaber clan of the East. I want to know everything about them."

"Yes, Sir,” Colin answered dutifully.

At the same time, Penny was at the airport's main entrance, standing next to her BMW and waitinganxiously for

Nathan's arrival.

She had been very distraught for the past two days. Only after receiving Nathan's call and findingout that he had taken care of the Cross clan issue was she able to let out a sigh of relief.

Thus, she deliberately got off work earlier that day so she could rush to the airport to personally pickup Nathan.


Penny ran up to Nathan the moment she saw him, her eyes clearly filled with excitement and joy.

It had only been two days, but she had already missed him so very much.

Nathan had unconscionably taken root in her heart and had become the most important person toher.

Penny let down her long, silky hair and was dressed in a bohemian-style dress paired with delicatehigh heels. As Nathan gazed at the woman, he found her more beautiful than any movie star, and acontented grin formed across his face. "Honey!"

He opened his arms wide and gently gave his wife a hug.

Penny's cheeks blushed red from shyness.

Her eyes met with Nathan's, but as she couldn't withstand his passionate gaze, she instinctivelyshut them.

Nathan chuckled as he looked at Penny with her eyes closed and lips slightly pouted. Look at her!She's clearly asking for a kiss.

Nathan immediately put his thought into action; he leaned down and planted a kiss on those red lipsof hers.

Unfortunately at that very moment, the loud ringtone of Penny's phone penetrated the air.

Perturbed, Nathan had no choice but to lift his head. What terrible timing! Who is that?

Penny, too, was startled by the sudden ringing of her phone and quickly opened her eyes. She tookout her phone and was surprised to find that it was her mother calling.

She answered the call and heard vague sounds of people arguing, before her mother, Leah, finallyspoke up. "Penny! I'm at Golden Apple Kindergarten picking up Queenie. There's a rude womanhere who won't allow me to leave."

"She's brought people with her, too. They're saying really disgusting things and are threatening tohit me. Can you please come?"

Penny hurriedly inquired further about the situation at hand. She then told her mother, "Mom, takegood care of Queenie and don't engage with them. I'll head over with Nathan right away."

Penny hung up the phone and turned to Nathan. "Hubby, Mom and Queenie are in trouble! Weneed to head over quickly!"

Alarmed at this sudden development, Nathan instantly asked, "What happened?" Tve been busywith work, so Mom was the one who joined the parents' group chat for Queenie's class. There's amother in the group named Chelsea Peyton who's always sucking up to the teacher. Last night,Chelsea told everyone in the group chat that the teacher's motorbike had broken down, andsuggested that everyone chip in to buy the teacher a new bike."

Nathan nodded. "A motorbike would only cost about one or two thousand. With more than tenstudents in a class, each family would just need to chip in around two to three hundred. It soundsreasonable, as long as everyone is happy and willing."

A bitter laugh escaped Penny's lips. "The parents in the group chat came to the same conclusion asyou. They also thought that spending two or three hundred per family to get the teacher a newmotorcycle was acceptable."novelbin

"But no one expected Chelsea to then suggest getting a BMW 3-series! That means each familywould need to fork out at least seven thousand!"

Nathan furrowed his brows. "That's too much! The average family doesn't even earn seventhousand a month!"

"That's right! Mom thinks so, too, and because she's always so candid, she immediately talked backvia the group chat. She called Chelsea a suck-up and said that if she was so rich, she should buythe BMW herself!"

Nathan didn't know whether to laugh or cry at Leah's "candidness".

So this Chelsea Peyton is apparently so offended that she brought people to confront Leah today,huh?

"Then let's hurry over. We can't let Mom and Queenie be bullied."

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