Salute To The General

Chapter 1051 Cannot Mess With Nathan
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Chapter 1051 Cannot Mess With Nathan

It was frightening to hear the roar of more than a hundred Cross clan members.

However, Nathan and Colin remained unmoved, and their expressions were still the same.

In fact, Nathan's smile widened. He mocked Morris, "Reuben brought his men to kill me; he onlyhad himself to blame when his limbs were broken. As for Gregory, he tried to take over CrossGroup. He scared himself and ended up having cerebral hemorrhage when he found out about myidentity. So tell me, what crimes have I committed?”

Morris knew that Nathan was the one who broke Reuben's limbs, but it was only now that he foundout the reason for Gregory's cerebral hemorrhage.

Surprised and angry, he bellowed, "Nonsense! What kind of identity do you have that would frightenmy brother to such a degree? Tell me!"

Nathan smiled. "You're not worthy of knowing who I really am. If you want to, you can ask Gregoryhimself when he wakes up."



Infuriated, Morris glared at Nathan. "I'm the head of the Cross clan. How dare you say I'munworthy? You're clearly looking down on us."

Nathan nodded solemnly. "That's right. Your clan is nothing to me."

Morris and his men all widened their eyes at his words.

They had seen haughty people, but this was the first time they had seen someone as arrogant asNathan.

Morris laughed in his anger, "With those words of yours, don't you think of walking out of here alivetoday. Homer!"

Homer answered, "Sir.”

Morris squinted as he gave his instructions. "I don't like how arrogant he's acting. Break his legs andforce him to kneel. I'll talk to him when he's kneeling.”

Homer stretched his limbs and cracked his knuckles. Grinning, he replied, "Yes, Sir!"

Next to Nathan, Colin stepped forward to stop Homer in his path.

He said, "Who do you think you are? There's no need for Sir to make his move. You're unworthy ofeven dying by his hands."

Homer seethed, "Then I shall kill you first!”

At that, like a tiger freed from its cage, he charged toward Colin.

Instead of dodging, Colin rushed forward to meet Homer. The two were then engaged in a fight thatwas as destructive as a hurricane.

While the two were in battle, Gregory woke up in the ICU of a hospital in Johnstone City.

Gregory, who had become a vegetative patient, had actually woken up.

The relatives who were keeping him company were all overjoyed as they rushed for the doctor.

When Gregory became conscious, he grabbed one of his relatives' hands and asked anxiously,"How long have I been unconscious?"

"Gregory, you've been unconscious for a week. I'm so glad you're awake."

Gregory quickly continued, "How is the Cross Clan now?"

"Nathan hurt Reuben after he hurt you. He's coming to see our clan today, saying that he's here tosettle the scores."


The General is personally coming to settle the score with our clan?

Gregory's face turned white as he asked in a trembling voice, "W-What's going on


The relative chuckled. "I just called home. They said that Morris is furious and he has asked hissubordinates to kill Nathan!"

Gregory nearly passed out when he heard the reply. He quickly muttered, "Quick, call my brothernow. I have something important to tell him. He can't mess with Nathan; otherwise, we'll bedoomed!"

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