Salute To The General

Chapter 1049 You Are Not Worthy Of Killing Me
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Chapter 1049 You Are Not Worthy Of Killing Me

With that said, a man in a black hat and cloak with burn scars on his face made his move. On hisright hand were three sharp claws, which he used to swing at Cohen.


Cohen had no time to dodge the attack. Three deep claw marks appeared on his chest, and thefront part of his torso was slashed open.


With a piercing shriek, Cohen collapsed in a puddle of blood and died.

The surrounding crowd screamed and fled the scene.

Penny and her family were also startled, and their faces paled as they trembled.

Nathan instructed, "Close Queenie's eyes!"novelbin

Penny swiftly covered her young daughter's eyes.

Staring at Reuben and his men his words, Nathan spoke with a tinge of fury, "I was planning to letthe Cross clan off as we share the same last name. However, it seems like you're taking a mile outof an inch."

Reuben looked at Nathan as if the latter were a dead man, and mocked, "You? Letting the Crossclan off? Who do you think you are? You were the one who hurt my brother. I'm here today toavenge for Gregory! If you choose to kill yourself in penance, I'll think about letting your family go."

Nathan voiced, "You and your useless underlings are not worthy of killing me."

Reuben raised his brows. "Is that so? Hatter, send this man to hell, too."

The odd man in black hat broke into a grin. "Yes, Master."

With that said, he bent his knees like a panther and sped toward Nathan.

He swung his right hand and aimed his three sharp claws at Nathan's head.

If the blow landed on him, the three claws would be sharp enough to slice Nathan's head intopieces.

All of a sudden, Nathan raised his hand to grab his opponent's wrist.


When Hatter was caught, his eyes widened in shock.

The man shrieked and raised his leg to kick Nathan's crotch in an attempt to shake off the latter.

However, instead of letting go, Nathan raised his leg in response.

The two legs clashed.


Hatter's leg was broken by Nathan; he could not help but groan in excruciating pain.

Nathan then grabbed Hatter's wrist. Not allowing Hatter to escape, Nathan swung his right fisttoward his opponent's face.


Nathan's fist landed on Hatter's face with a force so great that a depression formed on Hatter'scheek. Blood splattered everywhere.

When Nathan finally let go, Hatter slumped onto the ground, looking like he was about to draw thelast breath of his life.

After witnessing the fight, Reuben gasped.

This man, the Hatter, was once known as the King of Assassins.

However, as he had gained too many enemies throughout his career, he was eventually caught in avengeful fire set by them. That was how his face became disfigured.

However, he took the disfigurement as an opportunity to go back to his homeland and went intohiding.

As he was indebted to the Cross clan, he stayed as their guest and served as their in-houseassassin.

This time, Reuben had brought this King of Assassins to make sure that Nathan would be dead.

Yet, he never expected that not only was the Western King of Swords easily defeated by Nathan,but Nathan had also killed Hatter on the spot.

Reuben's face was as pale as paraffin when he saw Nathan killing Hatter. He then bellowed at themany underlings beside him, "Charge together! Kill him!”

Right then, Colin appeared with the Elite Eight, Thunderstorm, and Waves.

They said in unison, "We apologize for coming late. Please forgive us."

Nathan nodded before calmly saying, "Cripple them all and send them back to the Cross clan. Atthe same time, send a message to the head of the Cross clan, Morris. Instruct the clan to go intohiding in three days; otherwise, I personally come for him."

"Yes, Sir!"

Instantly, Colin and the rest charged toward Reuben.

Soon, Reuben was lying on the floor, screaming with broken limbs.

His underlings suffered the same fate as he.

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