Salute To The General

Chapter 1044 Deep Trouble
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Chapter 1044 Deep Trouble

Gregory was swiftly rushed to the hospital.

After an emergency rescue, he survived.

However, the doctor diagnosed that Gregory had suffered from cerebral hemorrhage and would not wake up for a while.Nathan did not expect Gregory to be such a coward; he had frightened himself into this state.

After instructing Colin and the rest to send Gregory back home, Nathan warned the Cross clan, "As we both share the same lastname, | will spare you once. If you do the same again, | will not go easy on you again.”

After that, Nathan returned home. Penny greeted him when he stepped into the house and asked, "How was it?”

Nathan answered, "He is unlucky. He fell into a coma due to cerebral hemorrhage, so I've sent him home. | guess this must bekarma.”

Penny then informed him, "Cross Group's medicine has been approved by the FDA. Now we can market it.”Nathan smiled as he said, "It's been tough, but I'm glad we've succeeded."

Penny muttered, "Yes. When we visit the family grave next year, we can tell this great news to Father-in-law."Nathan said, "People have been waiting for liver cancer medicine for many years.

While it's honorable that we've come up with it, many other corporations will be targeting us. So we'll have to be extra careful aswe strengthen the Cross Group. We should also give back to society."

Penny nodded solemnly. "Yes."

In Johnstone City, Northania.

Morris and Reuben led their relatives and rushed to the ICU.

When they stepped into the room, they saw Gregory lying in bed, unconscious.

Reuben's eyes were wide; sorrow and anger overcame him. "Gregory! That damned Nathan Cross. How can he hurt my brotherlike this? I'm going to kill him now!"

Morris stopped him, "Wait. Don't be rash. We have to find out what's going on before that."

Reuben had always been a man of fiery temper and only his older brother could rein him in. Hearing Morris's words, he steppedaside, seething.

Morris then asked the doctor about his brother's condition.

The doctor replied, "There's a blood clot in his brain. That's why he's still not awake. We'll treat him conservatively for a monthfirst, and see if the clot will go away by itself. If it does, he'll wake. If he doesn't wake by himself after a month, we'll have toperform brain surgery to remove the blood clot. However, the surgery will be risky and you'll have to be mentally prepared."

When the members of Cross Clan heard the doctor's words, they paled.Morris nodded somberly. "Thank you, Doctor. Please do your best for Gregory.”novelbin

After his conversation with the doctor, some of the relatives stayed behind to take care of Gregory while Morris and Reuben leftwith their men.

After stepping out of the hospital, Morris and Reuben got into their Lincoln limousine while their men traveled in the black carsbehind them. The entourage headed home.

During the trip, Morris said toReuben, Tve just gotten the REM)that Cros Group's siedia medsHave BUNS ved by the FDA.They're able to sell to the public now.”Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Reuben gasped, "What? Wasn't Jorge helping us in stopping the Cross Group?"Morris shook his head. "Jorge requested for retirement, and his superior has approved it."Reuben's jaw was slack from surprise. "He asked to retire?"

Morris continued, "He has alsoreturned every gift we gave him. |!say he must h pean ifvestigatedreenatiblen We afraid, so heinstantly abandoned the plan. Hemust be scared that he might not liveto old age." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Reuben finally understood what was going on. "No wonder!"Morris muttered, "It's now impossible for him to stop the Cross Group. He's in deep trouble himself."

Reuben fumed, "Our brother is in thisstate because of Nathan, bu

such goo yok tate hranaged tocunlive e two times we made amove against him. Morris, what dowe do now?" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

With narrowed eyes, Morris uttered, "Kill him!"

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