Salute To The General

Chapter 1030 They Are No Match For Us
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Chapter 1030 They Are No Match For Us

Nathan was sitting in the living room talking to Geronimo.Next to them were not only Colin and Kylie but also Johnny and over a dozen fully-armed soldiers.

After being carried in, Peyton immediately fell to his knees once again. "Please have mercy on me, General!" he beggedfearfully.

"It's too late to be sorry now," Nathan responded icily. "Do you remember the warning | once gave you, Peyton Black? | told youthat if the Black clan refused to learn from its mistakes, I'd wipe your entire household out."


Peyton began to tremble and plead between tears, 'Til gladly accept any punishment from you, General. You can even gun medown, but please, don't wipe us out. Please let the Black clan live..."

No matter what, Peyton didn't want all his ancestors’ hard work to crumble in his


"Let the Black clan live?” Nathan scoffed. "Give me a reason to do that!"

"I'm willing to offer one-third of my family's wealth to you, General. Please let us off the hook!"

"Do you think I'd be interested in such things? Nathan replied indifferently. "You're insulting me with money!"

Horrified, Peyton quickly explained himself, "No! That's not it! The truth is, General, | know of a force that has been destroyingEurasia's unity and silently harming our interests. They've been causing disaster and turmoil in our nation. They want us to fall."

Nathan frowned. "An enemy?""That's right!" Peyton answered with a nod.novelbin

Nathan and Geronimo exchanged glances. "What kind of organization is it?" "It's the Omniscience!" Peyton answered. "CiceroTrumbo is the president of this organization. It consists of many politicians and wealthy socialites from all over the world. Apartfrom gaining more money through shared benefits, they have one goal in common-to bring our rising nation down."

Geronimo scoffed, "Are they even capable of doing that?"

"Don't underestimate this organization, General Louie," said Peyton. "The group is full of wealthy politicians and owners offinancial companies. They can easily cause a crisis strong enough to destroy a small nation’s financial system, so it would beeven easier for them to suppress our nation's industries.

"The truth is, many of our country'sbusinesses have started expandinginternationally, only to eshyt downer being apardssedby thecombined efforts of theOmniscience. This group is also incharge of causing some of theturmoil that have been occurring inEurasia." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Nathan's gaze suddenly darkened. "How do you know so much about this enemy?" he asked skeptically.

Peyton answered truthfully, "To becompletely honest witb\yqu, G&n8ret,ths Blagk olan Ig bart of theOmniscience." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Bam!Geronimo slammed his hand on the table. "You b*stard, Peyton Black! You dare betray our nation?"

Peyton hurriedly explained himself,"The Black clan has manyinternational businesses tha weer \being o resseqibynthe SinniscienceWawel been done for if we didnot agree to join the organization. |only joined them to keep ouroverseas businesses alive. I've neverthought of doing the country anyharm.” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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