Salute To The General

Chapter 1025 Capture Them All
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Chapter 1025 Capture Them All


Nathan Cross is the General of the North?novelbin


Adam immediately fell to his knees.


Don knelt in horror too.

Even William, the crown prince of Eagleland, was aware of the God of War's abilities and knew not to get on his bad side.Upon realizing that Nathan was the one and only God of War, William fell to his knees with a thud.

At this very moment, Adam and the rest knew that their demise was coming soon.

Of all people, they just had to provoke the General of the North. This was no different from having a death wish!They all got down on their knees, trembling in fear.

Adam finally understood why Nathan seemed to pay no attention to him at all.

He also began to understand why Nathan was so highly skilled in combat.

That was because the man was the General of the North, Eurasia's God of War.

William also finally understood why there were two fighter jets following the aircraft.

Those jets weren't sent by the Black clan to welcome me. They were soldiers of Forthmore City waiting to receive GeneralNathan Cross!

Adam and William paled in regret.

"We really didn't know who you are, General," said Adam while quivering. "If we did, we wouldn't have caused you any trouble nomatter what!”

With a miserable expression, William began to plead too, "I've realized my mistakes, General. | didn't know you were the Generalof the North. Had | known this, | wouldn't have come to seek revenge even if you were to kill me!”

Nathan scoffed, "So you're saying that you would've continued picking on me if | weren't the General, and I'd be the one pleadingto you now instead?"

Adam and William were so terrified that they stopped speaking. The more they spoke, the more mistakes they were probablygoing to make.

“What should we do with them, General?" Johnny asked respectfully.

"Capture them all," Nathan answered frostily. "I'll think about it after I'm done attending General Louie's birthdaycelebration.”

"Yes, Sir!"

Then, Johnny ordered the troops with a wave of his hand, "Capture every one of these men. Lock them up in military prison andawait the next order."

As soon as they received the instructions, the soldiers began to execute them.

It didn't take long for them to seize William and all his subordinates, Adam and the rest of the Black clan, as well as everyoneelse.

Johnny then gave Nathan another salute. "Your car's waiting outside, General. This way, please."Nathan nodded. "Lead the way, General Underwood."

Soon enough, Nathan, Colin, and Kylie walked out of the airport and got into a Hongqi. Then they headed straight for GeronimoLouie's residence.

In the car, Nathan gave Johnny hisinstructions, "Now that William andAdam have been captured, t

clan and aglelaci WA Setinitelyprotest nd request you to releasetheir people. You are not to letanyone go without my orders, nor willyou convey a single piece ofinformation to them. Keep themwaiting!" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Yes, Sir!” Johnny responded.Meanwhile, at the Black clan's manor.

Peyton Black just received word thathis son had gone to th airp

eis MpMliarts Mie end upbeing captured by the army all of asudden. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Filled with surprise and rage, he asked a subordinate what had happened.

The subordinate explained gloomily,"Nathan Cross was also at the airportwhen Master Adam headed over towelcome Mr. William. When Mr.Hubbard realized th pNatha Was! |thee erie brought athousand men as backup. Yet, no oneknew that a big shot had arrived inForthmore. According to reports, thisman had even dispatched two fighterjets to escort the aircraft he was in.He also sealed off the entire city.Master Adam and Mr. Hubbard weresuspected of being thugs whilecausing a stir with Nathan, so thearmy captured them." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

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