Salute To The General

Chapter 1014 I Am A Member Of The Cross Clan
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Chapter 1014 I Am A Member Of The Cross Clan

Nathan had always been a bold man. Since he had made up his mind, he would take the matter into his hands and deal with itimmediately.

The moment he walked out of Penny's office, he ran into Kylie.The woman had a white designer's piece on. It was obvious that she had spent quite some time dolling herself up.

Kylie had been relatively free lately because she did not have many tasks assigned to her. Hence, she decided to tag along withNathan the moment she discovered that he would be heading out to collect the overdue receivables.

There was nothing that Nathan could do about it. He could merely allow her to tag along with him.

Before long, they reached Orientry Building. In short, the headquarter of Corwhale Company. The entire headquarter of thecompany had been set up inside Orientry Building.

The moment Nathan and Kylie stepped into the headquarters of Corwhale Company, they realized that the place had beenrefurbished recently. In fact, it had a lavish interior that would put some five-star hotels to shame.

Kylie could not suppress her irritation anymore. She scolded, "D*** it! It's evident that those from Corwhale Company have beendenying our company's payment deliberately. They have the money to refurbish their headquarters, but they can't afford to payus twenty-eight billion?"

Suddenly, the receptionist rushed over and greeted them politely, "Hello, sir. Hello, miss. How may | help both of you?"

"We are from Cross Group! We're here for the President of Corwhale Company, Jonas. It's time for him to settle the debt and payus twenty-eight billion." Kylie finished her sentence with a grim expression on her face.

The gorgeous receptionist had an odd grin on her face the moment she heard Kylie's words. "It seems like it's another bunchthat's here to demand payment. Sure! Allow me to show you the way to Mr. Cross's office!"

Another bunch?Meanwhile, Nathan and Kylie exchanged glances because they were bewildered by the receptionist's choice of words.

They followed the receptionist and made their way into the elevator. Soon, they reached the president's office on the highestfloor.

The highest floor had been entirely occupied by Jonas. He had turned it into his personal office.

The entire floor had been segmented into different sections. It included his office, a conference room, a lounge, a gym, and anentertainment space.

The receptionist brought Nathan and Kylie over to the gym.

To be exact, the gym Jonas had set up in his so-called office was on par with an actual gym. It had all sorts of equipment,including dumbbells, treadmills, and a boxing ring in the middle of the space.

Jonas, the president of Corwhale Company, was a fat man.

He had a dozen of fierce-looking underlings by his side. They were beating two men up. It seemed like those two were there todemand payment as well.

"Mr. Cross, allow me to introduce Nathan and Kylie from Cross Group. They are here to collect the overdue payment as well.”

The moment Jonas heard the receptionist's words, he beckoned and instructed his underlings to stop. By then, the two on thefloor had been beaten to a pulp. To be exact, they were on the verge of death.

"You're Nathan? You're my cousin, right? After all, we're both affiliated with the Cross Clan. You should address me politely sinceI'm older than you." Jonas stared at Nathan and grinned as he finished his sentence.

Throughout the conversation, Nathan remained silent with a smile on his face as he stared at those who had been beaten up onthe floor.

Jonas burst into laughter the moment he realized that Nathan had his eyes glued to the men on the floor. "These two d***edbrats have been sent by Rainbow Company to collect the company's receivables. It's merely a few billion, yet they are constantlyshowing up at my doorstep to demand payment. | got fed up and decided to teach them a lesson. Boys, chase them out! | don'twant them to terrify my beloved cousin!"

Soon, Jonas' underlings rushed over and brought the two gravely injured men out of the so-called gym. It was a horrifying sceneas they were bleeding, all while Jonas’ underlings brought them out of the confined space.

Jonas looked at Nathan with an odd smile on his face and invited him, "Let's go, Nathan. We'll talk in the conference room.”Ultimately, Nathan, Kylie, Jonas, and his underlings made their way to the conference room.Once everyone took their seats, Jonas’ secretary served each of them a cup of tea.

Once again, Jonas looked at Nathan with a grin on his face. He asked, "What brings you here today, Nathan? You're such a rareguest!”

"I'm here to collect the overdue payment you have been denying all this while. Don't you think it's time to return the twentyeightbillion you have been owing Cross Group all along?" Nathan asked with a poker face.

“Nathan, are you serious? Haven't you seen how those who had shown up at my doorstep, demanding payment ended up?Those two impudent fools are a great example!” Jonas narrowed his eyes and warned Nathan with a straight face.

"| beg your pardon because | believe that we are different," Nathan replied nonchalantly."Oh? Does that mean you're not going to take the fact that we're cousins into consideration?” Jonas scoffed.

"The fact that we're cousins doesn't change the fact that you are in a huge debt. After all, | believe that's part of the terms of thedeal that we have," Nathan replied calmly.

"Yes! You're right! It doesn't changethe fact that | have a huge debt, but |don't have the money to settle thedebt! I'll be frank with are Iniadespeserenishno ey as well.

ce I've gathered the required sum,I'll settle the debt once and for all. Inthe meantime, you should get lostand return to wherever you havecome from!" Jonas finished hissentence in an arrogant manner, witha smirk upon his face. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Consequently, Kylie could no longer suppress her anger. She yelled hysterically, "You're a rouge and an embezzler! I'll get thosefrom the relevant departments to deal with you!" exchanged glances as soon as they heard Kylie's threat. Eventually, they burstinto laughter in the conference room.novelbin

Jonas, his secretary, and his underlings

In return, Jonas scoffed, "You'regoing to get those from the relevantdepartments to deal with me? Thedirector of the Industey aad com!

r ude and the judge ofthe legal counsel are my friends. Thechief of police often dines with me.The mayor is one of my guests aswell. Apart from that, I'm part of theCross Clan. Do you really think thatyou can get someone to deal withme?" Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

Nathan chuckled and asked rhetorically, "Really? | can't wait to see if they have the audacity to deal with you or not!"

As soon as he finished his sentence,Nathan reached for his phone andcalled Colin, "Get in touch wi

mayor of Channicahte director ofInds and Commerce Bureau, thejudge of the legal counsel, and thechief of police immediately. Tell themI'd like to procure their aid and getthem to show up in front of me withinten minutes.” Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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