Salute To The General

Chapter 1002 A Casket From Nathan Cross
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Chapter 1002 A Casket From Nathan Cross

In a blink of an eye, Victor was paralyzed.

His men were also brutally beaten up and thrown out of the room.

As instructed by Nathan, Thomas bought a black casket and dumped Victor in it before nailing the casket shut.

Then, he got his men to deliver the casket as quickly as possible to the Blacks in Northania, right into the hands of Mr. Black.Peyton had a few friends over at his place when suddenly, his butler, Don, came running in with a horrified look on his face.Displeased, Peyton chided, "What happened? Why are you behaving so frantically?"

Don whispered nervously, "You have a delivery, sir!"

Peyton sneered, "My dear Don, it's just a delivery. Why are you so antsy? People send me things for so many reasons.Some of them want to build a rapport with me, while some of them need my help.

There's no need to make a fuss over this.”

With a strange look on his face, Don lowered his head meekly. "It's a delivery from Nathan Cross!"

Frowning at what he'd just heard, Peyton Black scorned, "Isn't Victor working on getting rid of him? Why would there be adelivery from Cross?"

Don could not hold back any longer and exclaimed, "Sir, it's a casket!"

With their eyes and jaws wide open, Peyton and his friends, together with all his subordinates, were startled by what they'd justheard.


Enraged, Peyton slammed his hand on the coffee table. "This is downright outrageous!" he thundered.

Equally furious, his friends and subordinates cursed Nathan for crossing the line.

Don added, "They nailed the casket. It looks like there's something inside."

They were shaken by yet another bombshell!

Then, Peyton Black replied without any hesitation, "Let's go out now to see what's going on."

Soon, they came to the front yard where a casket was.

Over a hundred men dressed in leather suits stood around the casket, whispering to one another, wondering what was in there.Peyton came to the entrance with his subordinates. He asked gravely, "What is inside the casket?"

His eldest son, Adam, greeted him respectfully, "Dad, the bodyguards have just run an explosive detector test on the casket, anddid not detect any explosive in it. We can't really determine what is inside."

With a solemn voice, Peyton Black said, "Open the casket now!""Yes, sir!"Without asking the bodyguards for help, Adam opened the casket himself.

He lifted his hand and struck the casket with a blow.


The impact was so great that in a split second, the nails came right off from the casket.

Everyone cheered in awe, "Bravo, Mr.


Peyton was pleased with his eldest

son. Adam had always demonstrated

excellent martial arts s ils, evanen he was Us young boy. He

spent all of his school years including

his university years in Eagleland.

After he graduated, he joined the

mercenaries in Eagleland. Please

read the original content at


In just three years, he rose to be a Colonel of Eagleland's mercenaries.

Over the last two years, Peyton hadaged a lot. Adam was summoned |hole otake SNS HEERition andh uf e business of the Blacks.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

After all the nails came off the casket, he lifted the cover.Almost immediately, everyone came toward to take a peek at what was inside it.

Much to their horror, they saw Victor,who was sent by Peytainto teach |!

ban andPanity a lesson. Please

read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Rating the Translation Will Gain Two Pearls.

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