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Chapter 949

Cynthia had no business meddling in James' affairs.

Upon seeing Thea, she had the urge to say something but swallowed the urge.

Thea walked toward the sofa and sat opposite Cynthia. Then, she looked at James. “Honey, what are

you planning on doing next?”

James also sat down. He shook his head and replied, “I’ve no plans for now.”

He was like a blind man that was not able to see the path ahead.

“We’ll stay in Cansington for the time being and observe the overall situation. Right now, there isn't

much to do. All I can do is hone my skills and continue to improve my strength as much as possible.”

Maxine had made James aware of how far beneath the Ancient Four's strength he was.

As he was, he was too weak to achieve anything.

He was nothing compared to the Ancient Four.

Unless he reaches the fifth rank, he would essentially be a sitting duck for his enemies.

Regardless of his rank, he would still end up doomed if the Ancient Four were really determined tonovelbin

eliminate him.

“Honey, can you send me to the military region? I’d like to train there for a while,” Thea asked


She had no actual combat experience despite having achieved the third rank of True Energy

cultivation. In order to be of use to James, she had to accustom herself to the True Energy within her

body as soon as possible. Her physical strength also needed to be built up to cope with sudden

changes as well.

Going to the military region for special training would kill two birds with one stone.

“A military training regiment will be difficult. I fear you won't be able to handle it,” James looked at her

with worried eyes.

To him, women were beings that needed protection and were supposed to be pampered.

Military training was not something he wanted Thea to undergo.

It was enough that she could protect herself at critical moments with her True Energy.

“But, I want to help you…”

James interrupted her with a wave of his hand. “The best way to help me is to stay safe and sound. I’m

not discussing this any further. It's been a few days since you arrived in Cansington, and the Callahans

are worried about you. I suggest you head back and let them know you’re safe.”

“Are you coming with me, honey? ”

“I can’t leave just yet.”

James had no plans to return to the Callahans' villa. He planned to stay at Cynthia's house for a while


It was important to him that Cynthia's condition was closely monitored.

Moreover, he wanted to absorb the energy of the Sacred Fire Fig and transform his True Energy into

True Yang Energy.

This meant he had to keep a close watch on Cynthia’s cultivation process. After she cultivates True

Frost Energy, James planned to attempt the Dual Cultivation method detailed in the Moonlit Flowers on

Cliffside's Edge.

It was unclear what would happen once they practiced the cultivation method shown in the painting.

“Fine.” Thea relented in disappointment.

During her time with Thomas, Cynthia's special physique had been brought to her attention. Since

Cynthia possessed True Frost Energy, she was a perfect candidate for the painting’s cultivation


"Cynthia, you need to master this more quickly. According to Sir Caden, the cultivation method

recorded in the painting is incredibly powerful. The first painting is the key. Only after cultivating the first

method listed will you be able to cultivate the following ones.”

“Huh?” James looked at Thea with suspicion.

“Didn’t you say that you didn't know the secrets to the other three paintings?”

Thea quickly raised her hands. “I was telling the truth! Grandpa only said that much and didn’t tell me

anything else.”

It was obvious to James that Thea knew much more than she let on. However, since she was

defensive about it, he chose not to pry further.

“Alright. You should head back first.”

“Then, I’ll leave for now. After I let my family know I’m safe, I’ll come back to look for you.”

Thea left without lingering any longer.

After Thea had left, Cynthia turned to James and asked, “James, are Quincy and Tiara truly safe?”


James was not sure either.

Nevertheless, he trusted his grandfather not to bring harm to those he cared about.

He also firmly believed that Thea would not devise a plot against him.

They must be safe for now since Thea said so herself.

“I’m a little tired. I’ll head back to my room to rest.”

“Alright. Go ahead.” Cynthia waved her delicate hand.

James turned around and went up the stairs.

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